首页> 外文期刊>Food Science and Quality Management >Assessment of Sheep Husbandry and Fattening System in Daramillo Woreda Gamo Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Assessment of Sheep Husbandry and Fattening System in Daramillo Woreda Gamo Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia




The study was conducted in Daramallo Woreda with the objective of assessing sheep husbandry and fattening system in small holders. To select the data two stage sampling was used. Firstly two kebele were selected purposively from each agro ecologic zone based on the proportion of kebele found in each agro ecology. Secondly from each selected kebeles 20HHs were selected randomly based on fattening practices making total sample size of 120 respondents. To collect data both primary and secondary data was used. To collect primary data, semi structured questionnaire was used during interviewing of respondents while secondary data was collected from written documents. The survey result revealed that about 65% of respondents are illiterate while the rest received different level education that is from primary to diploma. The most dominant (66%) type sheep fattening system practiced in the study are is extensive while about 34% practice semi intensive fattening system. The available and use feed resources for both extensive and semi intensive system is natural pasture (grazing land), road side, crop residues while the semi intensive system level of feeding local brewery by products, grain, sweet potato, sweet potato vines and boiled coffee leaves locally called Haytetuke as supplementary feeding is higher than extensive. Moreover current finding showed that about 25.3% respondents of practicing extensive fattening system has faced problem of diseases and parasites as the main cause of mortality of their flocks while that of semi intensive fattener did not faced any problem of diseases and parasites. Optimum utilization of seasonal available feeds through preservation, strategic supplementation with low cost alternatives feed like development of improved forage is vital to balance seasonal feed supply and animal requirements. The veterinary service needs to provide strategic disease and parasite control and treatment measures in order to reduce mortality of flock for extensive fattener.
机译:该研究是在达拉马洛沃雷达(Daramallo Woreda)进行的,目的是评估小农户的绵羊饲养和育肥系统。为了选择数据,使用了两阶段采样。首先,根据每个农业生态区中发现的kebele比例,有目的地从每个农业生态区中选择两个kebele。其次,根据育肥方法从每个选定的龙骨中随机选择20个HH,使样本总数为120名受访者。为了收集数据,使用了主要数据和辅助数据。为了收集主要数据,在受访者访谈期间使用了半结构化问卷,而从书面文件中收集了次要数据。调查结果显示,大约65%的受访者是文盲,其余的接受了从小学到文凭的不同层次的教育。该研究中实践的最主要(66%)类型的绵羊育肥系统是广泛的,而大约34%的实践是半密集育肥系统。粗放和半精养系统的可用饲料资源和使用饲料资源是天然牧场(草场),路边,农作物残渣,而半精养系统水平以产品,谷物,红薯,红薯藤和煮咖啡来喂养当地啤酒厂离开当地称为“ Haytetuke”的地方,因为补充饲喂的饲料比粗饲料要高。此外,目前的发现表明,大约25.3%的实行广泛育肥系统的受访者面临疾病和寄生虫的问题,这是其鸡群死亡的主要原因,而半强化育肥的受访者则没有面临任何疾病和寄生虫的问题。通过保存,战略性补充低成本替代饲料(例如开发改良草料)来最佳利用季节性可用饲料对于平衡季节性饲料供应和动物需求至关重要。兽医部门需要提供战略性疾病以及寄生虫控制和治疗措施,以降低大量增肥鸡群的死亡率。



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