首页> 外文期刊>Gynecology, obstetrics & reproductive medicine : >Prenatal Diagnosis of Pentalogy of Cantrell with Increased Nuchal Translucency: Case Report

Prenatal Diagnosis of Pentalogy of Cantrell with Increased Nuchal Translucency: Case Report




Pentalogy of Cantrell is a rare sporadic syndrome with unknown etiology. We aimed to present a prenatally?diagnosed case of pentalogy of Cantrell associated with increased nuchal translucency (NT). A?twenty-two year old G2P0A1 pregnant woman was admitted to our clinic for routine prenatal ultrasonographic?scanning at 14th weeks of gestation. Ultrasound scan revealed a NT of 7.9 mm and a large omphalocele?containing the liver, bowel, and heart with ventricular septal defect. After taking the written informed?consent form the parents the pregnancy was terminated. Postmortem examination confirmed the?ultrasound findings and chromosome analysis revealed a normal karyotype. Increased NT measurement in first trimester of pregnancy may also bring the fetus to early attention for pentology of Cantrell if an?omphalocele associates with this condition.
机译:坎特雷尔的五病学是一种罕见的散发综合征,病因不明。我们的目的是提出一种Cantrell的出生前诊断病例,与颈部透明性(NT)增加有关。一名22岁的G2P0A1孕妇在妊娠第14周进入我们的诊所进行常规产前超声检查。超声扫描显示NT为7.9 mm,大的眼球囊肿含有肝,肠和心脏,并伴有室间隔缺损。在采取书面知情同意书后,父母终止了妊娠。验尸证实了超声的发现,染色体分析显示出正常的核型。如果无食门静脉膨出与这种情况有关,则在妊娠的前三个月NT测量值的增加也可能使胎儿早日注意到坎特雷尔的戊糖异常。



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