首页> 外文期刊>Geologia Croatica: a journal of the Institute of Geology Zagreb and Croatian Geological Society >Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) in the groundwater of two islands with various geologic settings in South Korea

Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) in the groundwater of two islands with various geologic settings in South Korea




Since 2007, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) such as uranium-238 and radon-222 etc. in groundwater from the Community Water-supply Systems (CWS) in two islands have been studied in South Korea. In 71 samples from Ganghwa (G) Island, the maximum value of uranium-238 concentration is 72.21 μg/L. 3 CWSs (4.2%) exceeded the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 30 μg/L for uranium-238. The maximum value of radon-222 activity is 614 Bq/L. 28 CWSs (39.4 %) did not meet the United States Environment Protection Agency (US EPA) proposed Alternative Maximum Contaminant Level (AMCL) of 148 Bq/L for radon-222. At all CWS that did not meet the US EPA’s MCL or AMCL, some appropriate actions were taken such as water treatment, alternative well development, mixing water of different origins, and so forth. In the 52 CWSs of Jeju (J) Island, the maximum value of uranium-238 and radon-222 concentrations are 1.37 μg/L and 94.83 Bq/L, respectively. All values for uranium-238, gross alpha, and radon-222 meet MCL and proposed AMCL of US EPA drinking water standard. The two islands have different geological settings that are believed to be the causes of the big differences in the NORM levels. Geologically an old island has much higher NORM values than a young island formed in the Quaternary Period due to hydrogeological factors such as recharge and infiltration rates of precipitation. The residence times in the aquifers for water-rock (mineral) interactions are very different from each other.
机译:自2007年以来,韩国已研究了来自两个岛屿的社区供水系统(CWS)地下水中的天然放射性物质(NORM),例如铀238和ra 222等。在来自江华岛的71个样品中,铀238的最大值为72.21μg/ L。 3个CWS(4.2%)超出了铀238的最大污染物水平(MCL)30μg/ L。 don-222活性的最大值为614 Bq / L。 28个CWS(39.4%)未达到美国环境保护署(US EPA)提出的ra 222的替代最大污染物水平(AMCL)148 Bq / L。在所有未达到美国EPA MCL或AMCL要求的CWS处,都采取了一些适当的措施,例如水处理,替代井开发,混合不同来源的水等。在济州(J)岛的52座CWS中,铀238和ra 222的最大值分别为1.37μg/ L和94.83 Bq / L。铀238,总阿尔法和ra 222的所有值均符合MCL和美国EPA饮用水标准的拟议AMCL。这两个岛屿的地质环境不同,据认为是造成NORM水平差异巨大的原因。在地质上,由于水文地质因素(例如补给和降水入渗率),老岛比第四纪形成的年轻岛具有更高的NORM值。水-岩石(矿物)相互作用在含水层中的停留时间彼此非常不同。



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