首页> 外文期刊>Global Pediatric Health >Effect of Chloroethane Spray in the Treatment of Spastic Torticollis in Children and Adolescents:

Effect of Chloroethane Spray in the Treatment of Spastic Torticollis in Children and Adolescents:




Objective. A study to determine the efficacy of chloroethane spray compared to normal saline in the treatment of spastic torticollis in children and adolescents. Hypothesis. Chloroethane spray is more superior to normal saline for the treatment of spastic torticollis in children and adolescents in the pediatric emergency room. Design. Prospective randomized study. Setting. Urban inner-city hospital pediatric emergency department. Methods and Results. All children and adolescents (between the ages of 1 and 16 years) presenting to the author with the complaint of stiff neck were enrolled in the study. A total of 132 patients were enrolled. After complete evaluation to rule out cervical spine injury, a central neurological cause, patients were enrolled in the study. Sixty-six patients were treated with chloroethane spray to the neck and the other 66 were given normal saline as placebo. Sixty-three out of 66 patients treated with chloroethane spray achieved relief in 5 minutes as demonstrated by painless and ...
机译:目的。一项确定氯乙烷喷雾剂与生理盐水相比在治疗儿童和青少年痉挛性斜颈的功效的研究。假设。在儿科急诊室中,氯乙烷喷雾剂比普通盐水更能治疗儿童和青少年的痉挛性斜颈。设计。前瞻性随机研究。设置。市区内医院儿科急诊科。方法和结果。所有向提交人提出的有关颈部僵硬的儿童和青少年(1至16岁)均参加了研究。总共招募了132名患者。在完成评估以排除颈椎损伤(中枢神经系统原因)后,将患者纳入研究。六十六名患者接受了氯乙烷喷雾至颈部的治疗,另外六十六名患者接受了生理盐水作为安慰剂。 66例接受氯乙烷喷雾剂治疗的患者中有63例在5分钟内获得了缓解,表现为无痛和...



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