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The Effect of Mood on Opposite-Sex Judgments of Males' Commitment and Females' Sexual Intent:




Gender differences in perceptions of sexual intent and commitment have been the subject of formal and informal inquiry for considerable time. One evolutionary theory, Error Management Theory (EMT), predicts that opposite-sex perceptions of female sexual intent and male commitment intent reflect intrinsic biases that minimize gender-specific evolutionary costs. The results supporting these hypotheses were obtained from subjects regardless of mood. We hypothesized that mood would influence ratings of sexual and commitment intent. Sixty participants (30 males, 30 females) were recruited and exposed to a positive and negative mood condition in counterbalanced groups using video stimuli. Preliminary analyses found an unexpected effect of order of mood induction, necessitating separate analyses of the Positive-Negative (PN) and Negative-Positive (NP) groups. Contrary to the original study, there were no gender effects. Positive moods led to increased ratings of both sexual and commitment intent across genders. Further, negative to positive mood-change was associated with significantly increased ratings. Both males and females attributed significantly higher sexual intent to same-sex rivals than themselves, but only males assessed themselves as having significantly higher commitment intent than same-sex rivals. The EMT model may require adaptation to acknowledge effects of variables such as mood on its predictions of gender-specific biases.
机译:在很长一段时间内,对性意图和承诺的性别差异一直是正式和非正式询问的主题。错误进化理论(EMT)是一种进化论,它预测女性对性意图和男性对意图的异性认识反映出内在偏见,这些偏见将针对性别的进化成本降到最低。无论情绪如何,都可以从受试者获得支持这些假设的结果。我们假设情绪会影响性倾向和承诺意愿的等级。招募了60名参与者(30名男性,30名女性),并使用视频刺激在平衡组中暴露出正面和负面的情绪状态。初步分析发现了意想不到的情绪诱导顺序的影响,因此需要分别对正负(PN)和负正(NP)组进行分析。与原始研究相反,没有性别影响。积极的情绪导致两性对性意图和承诺意图的评价增加。此外,从负面到正面的情绪变化与评分显着增加有关。男性和女性都将同性对手的性意图归因于自己,但只有男性认为自己的性意图比同性对手要高得多。 EMT模型可能需要调整以确认变量(例如情绪)对其特定性别偏见的预测的影响。



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