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Doblespeak: Using language to conceal the message in a political, military and medical context




Half a century has passed since Marshall McLuhan's 'The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man' came into being, introducing the now famous term 'global village', but the passing years have only added to the actuality of the phrase. In 2012 the world seems to have shrunk to the dimensions of one's own living room, where one can witness Alexander the Great's army defeating the Persians in the Battle of Issus in 333 BC, and contemporary Baghdad being bombed at night, all while having dinner. In a world, where economic interests dictate the unleashing of global wars, controlling the proliferation of message content in the global village has become exponentially important. Confucius' rectification of names seems to have fallen from grace with the rulers of today: those in power have found a way to use language as a smoke screen – or a concave mirror – and words have been utilized to conceal meaning rather than convey it. Doublespeak has become the norm of political and military language, as well as certain aspects of communication within a medical context: the general public has been willfully deceived into misinterpreting the message.
机译:自马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan)的“古腾堡银河:印刷人的制作”诞生以来,已经过去了半个世纪,引入了现在著名的术语“全球村”,但是过去的几年才增加了这个词的现实性。 2012年,世界似乎缩水到了自己的起居室,在那里,可以看到亚历山大大帝的军队在公元前333年的伊苏斯战役中击败了波斯人,而当代的巴格达则在晚餐时被炸毁。在经济利益决定全球战争发动的世界中,控制地球村中消息内容的扩散已变得极为重要。孔子对名字的更正似乎已不符合当今统治者的恩宠:当权者已经找到了一种将语言用作烟幕(或凹面镜)的方法,并且单词被用来隐藏含义而不是传达含义。复述已成为政治和军事语言以及医学环境中某些沟通方面的规范:公众被故意误解了该信息。



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