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Health needs of women in the postpartum




Objective: To distinguish women health needs in the postpartum and understand them under the sociocultural look genre. Methods: Qualitative research in two areas of the Health Strategy Cuiab?? family, Mato Grosso, in the year 2012, with thirteen women through semi-structured interviews and content analysis. Results: The participants prioritize the needs to promote wellbeing and security to the child and to reconcile assumed housekeeping and daily rhythms. Put in the background emotional-social, affective-marital needs, relieving burdens on business, organic, among others, but wish, albeit in conflicting and contradictory way, recovering autonomy/freedom which had before maternity to take care of itself. Conclusions: Need the support of health services to recognize the experience and understanding the sociocultural aspects involved in their needs and ways to care for themselves incorporated.
机译:目的:区分产后妇女的健康需求,并根据社会文化外观类型来理解它们。方法:对健康策略Cuiab的两个领域进行定性研究?家族,马托·格罗索(Mato Grosso),在2012年,通过半结构化访谈和内容分析,与13名妇女在一起。结果:参与者优先考虑促进儿童健康和安全以及调和假定的家政服务和日常节奏的需求。将情绪,社会,情感婚姻的需求置于背景中,减轻业务,有机的负担,但希望,尽​​管以相互矛盾和矛盾的方式,恢复了产前照顾自己的自主权/自由。结论:需要卫生服务部门的支持,以认识到经验并了解其需求中涉及的社会文化方面以及如何照顾自己。



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