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Ceapins inhibit ATF6α signaling by selectively preventing transport of ATF6α to the Golgi apparatus during ER stress




Newly made proteins must be folded into specific three-dimensional shapes before they can perform their roles in cells. Many proteins are folded in a cell compartment called the endoplasmic reticulum. The cell closely monitors the quality of the work done by this compartment. If the endoplasmic reticulum has more proteins to fold than it can handle, unfolded or misfolded proteins accumulate and trigger a stress response called the unfolded protein response. This increases the capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum to fold proteins to match the demand. However, if the stress persists, then the unfolded protein response instructs the cell to die to protect the rest of the body. A protein called ATF6α is one of three branches of the unfolded protein response. This protein is found in the endoplasmic reticulum where it is inactive. Endoplasmic stress causes ATF6α to move from the endoplasmic reticulum to another compartment called the Golgi apparatus. There, two enzymes cut ATF6α to release a fragment of the protein that then moves to the nucleus to increase the production of the machinery needed to fold proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. In a related study, Gallagher et al. identified a group of small molecules called Ceapins, which inhibit ATF6α activity. Here, Gallagher and Walter investigate how Ceapins act on ATF6α. The experiments show that Ceapin causes ATF6α molecules to form clusters that prevent the protein from moving to the Golgi apparatus by keeping it away from the machinery that moves proteins between these compartments. When the enzymes that cut ATF6α are sent to the endoplasmic reticulum, Ceapin treatment no longer prevents ATF6α activation, which shows that these small molecules specifically inhibit the stress-induced movement of ATF6α. When Ceapins are washed out of cells, the ATF6α clusters fall apart and ATF6α can now move to the Golgi. These experiments show that ATF6α is actively held in the endoplasmic reticulum by a mechanism that is stabilized by Ceapins. Gallagher and Walter propose that the small clusters of ATF6α in unstressed cells act to keep this protein in the endoplasmic reticulum. However, when cells experience stress, the ATF6α clusters fall apart to allow the protein to move to the Golgi. The next steps following on from this work are to find out what these clusters are, how they are influenced by endoplasmic reticulum stress and exactly how the Ceapins stabilize these clusters.
机译:新制造的蛋白质必须折叠成特定的三维形状,才能在细胞中发挥作用。许多蛋白质折叠在称为内质网的细胞室内。牢房密切监视此隔间完成的工作质量。如果内质网要折叠的蛋白质多于其处理能力,则未折叠或错误折叠的蛋白质会积聚并触发称为未折叠蛋白质反应的应激反应。这增加了内质网折叠蛋白质以匹配需求的能力。但是,如果压力持续存在,那么展开的蛋白质反应将指示细胞死亡以保护身体的其余部分。一种称为ATF6α的蛋白质是未折叠的蛋白质应答的三个分支之一。该蛋白质在内质网中失活的地方。内质应力导致ATF6α从内质网移动到另一个称为高尔基体的腔室。在那里,有两种酶切割ATF6α,释放出蛋白质片段,然后该片段移动到细胞核,从而增加了将蛋白质折叠在内质网中所需的机制的产生。在相关研究中,Gallagher等人。他们发现了一组名为Ceapins的小分子,它们可以抑制ATF6α的活性。在这里,Gallagher和Walter研究了Ceapins如何作用于ATF6α。实验表明,Ceapin使ATF6α分子形成簇,通过使蛋白质远离使蛋白质在这些区室之间移动的机械,从而阻止蛋白质移动到高尔基体。当将切割ATF6α的酶发送到内质网时,Ceapin处理不再阻止ATF6α的活化,这表明这些小分子特异性地抑制了应力诱导的ATF6α的运动。当洗洁精从细胞中洗出后,ATF6α簇解散,ATF6α现在可以移至高尔基体。这些实验表明,ATF6α通过一种由Ceapins稳定的机制被有效地保留在内质网中。 Gallagher和Walter提出,未受应力的细胞中的ATF6α小簇可将这种蛋白质保留在内质网中。但是,当细胞承受压力时,ATF6α簇会破裂,使蛋白质移动到高尔基体。这项工作的下一步是找出这些簇是什么,它们如何受到内质网应激的影响,以及正确的Ceapins如何稳定这些簇。



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