首页> 外文期刊>Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training >The influence of demographic factors on the supply of company training places in Germany

The influence of demographic factors on the supply of company training places in Germany




Abstract Background In the German dual system of vocational education and training, the question arises of whether and how enterprises react to demographic changes by adjusting their supply of training places. Methods We conduct a time series on Western German data from 1970 to 2011 and construct a panel data set from 1977 to 2011 based on data of the West German states (“Bundesl?nder”) to estimate the influence of demographic changes over time. Results We can show that demographic factors strongly influenced the Federal Republic prior to 1990. After the reunification, a positive influence of demographic factors is still observed but only for young people with higher levels of education; in large part, factors related to economic growth and the job market dominate. Conclusions Our findings suggest that, compared to prior times, policy makers nowadays only have limited abilities to influence the number of training places offered by companies through appeals to community spirit. Instead, strategies of gaining additional training places should be geared towards the economic interests of enterprises.
机译:摘要背景在德国的职业教育和培训双重体系中,出现了以下问题:企业是否以及如何通过调整培训场所的供应来应对人口变化。方法我们对1970年至2011年的西德数据进行了时间序列分析,并根据西德州的数据(“ Bundesl?nder”)构建了1977年至2011年的面板数据集,以估算人口变化随时间的影响。结果我们可以证明,人口因素在1990年之前对联邦共和国产生了重大影响。统一之后,仍然观察到人口因素产生了积极影响,但只对受过高等教育的年轻人有效;在很大程度上,与经济增长和就业市场有关的因素占主导地位。结论我们的发现表明,与以往相比,如今的决策者通过呼吁社区精神来影响公司提供的培训场所数量的能力有限。相反,获得更多培训位置的策略应针对企业的经济利益。



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