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The transforming growth factor beta signaling pathway is critical for the formation of CD4 T follicular helper cells and isotype-switched antibody responses in the lung mucosa

机译:转化生长因子β信号转导通路对于肺粘膜中CD4 T滤泡性辅助细胞的形成和同种型转换的抗体反应至关重要



The influenza virus is thought to cause illness in up to 10% of adults and 30% of children each year worldwide. Most of these cases resolve on their own and don’t require treatment, but three to five million people are hospitalized and up to half a million people die each year. Unfortunately, the vaccines currently available to protect against influenza only target particular varieties or “strains” of the virus. The strains that circulate vary from year-to-year so it is necessary to develop new influenza vaccines every year. However, it is difficult to correctly predict which strains will circulate, so a more effective solution would be to develop a new vaccine that can help the body defend itself against many, or ideally any influenza strain. During a viral infection, a type of immune cell in the host can specialize into two different types of cells to help fight the virus T helper 1 cells and CD4 T follicular helper cells. T helper 1 cells help to kill host cells that have become infected. CD4 T follicular helper cells promote the production of proteins called antibodies, which identify and neutralize the virus. Here, Marshall et al. studied how T helper 1 cells and CD4 T follicular helper cells form in mice suffering from a lung infection similar to influenza. It was already known that a protein called transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) helps the immune response to mount an effective defense against an infection without causing too much harm to the host. Marshall et al. show that TGF-β increases the number of CD4 T follicular helper cells in the mice by suppressing the production of another protein—called IL-2—on the surface of CD4 T cells. Treating mice lacking the ability to detect TGF-β with a drug that blocks a protein controlled by IL-2 also allows more CD4 T follicular helper cells to be produced. Marshall et al.’s findings reveal that TGF-β is involved in controlling the balance of T helper 1 cells and CD4 T follicular helper cells produced during viral infections of the respiratory tract. Since TGF-β also has other roles in immune responses against viruses, it is now an attractive target for the development of a vaccine that may protect us against all strains of the influenza virus.
机译:据认为,全球每年多达10%的成年人和30%的儿童会引起流感。这些病例大多数都可以自行解决,不需要治疗,但每年有三到五百万人住院,并且有多达五十万人死亡。不幸的是,目前可用于预防流感的疫苗仅针对病毒的特定变种或“毒株”。每年传播的毒株各不相同,因此每年必须开发新的流感疫苗。但是,很难正确预测哪些菌株会传播,因此一种更有效的解决方案是开发一种新疫苗,该疫苗可以帮助机体抵御多种或理想的任何流感菌株。在病毒感染期间,宿主中的一种免疫细胞可以专门化为两种不同类型的细胞,以帮助对抗病毒T辅助1细胞和CD4 T滤泡辅助细胞。 T辅助细胞1有助于杀死已被感染的宿主细胞。 CD4 T滤泡辅助细胞可促进称为抗体的蛋白质的产生,该蛋白质可识别并中和病毒。在这里,马歇尔等。研究了患有类似于流感的肺部感染的小鼠中T辅助1细胞和CD4 T滤泡辅助细胞的形成。众所周知,一种叫做转化生长因子β(TGF-β)的蛋白质可以帮助免疫反应有效抵抗感染,而不会对宿主造成太大伤害。马歇尔等。研究表明,TGF-β可通过抑制CD4 T细胞表面另一种蛋白质(称为IL-2)的产生来增加小鼠CD4 T卵泡辅助细胞的数量。用阻断IL-2控制蛋白的药物治疗缺乏检测TGF-β能力的小鼠,也可以产生更多的CD4 T卵泡辅助细胞。 Marshall等人的发现表明,TGF-β参与控制呼吸道病毒感染期间产生的T辅助1细胞和CD4 T滤泡辅助细胞的平衡。由于TGF-β在针对病毒的免疫反应中也具有其他作用,因此,它现在已成为开发可以保护我们免受所有流感病毒株侵袭的疫苗的有吸引力的目标。



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