首页> 外文期刊>Ekonomska Istrazivanja >An econometric approach on production, costs and profit in Romanian coal mining enterprises

An econometric approach on production, costs and profit in Romanian coal mining enterprises




Global economic growth is based on increased consumption of electricity both from renewable resources, such as water and wind and non-renewable resources, such as coal (lignite), natural gas or petroleum. Coal continues to represent an important energy source in the European Union, particularly in Germany, France and Spain, where it accounts for 15% of the primary energy, out of which 80% is used in electricity supply. The coal (lignite) mines from the Oltenia region contribute significantly to generating power in Romania. The study aims to show that an increase in production within the coal (lignite) mining industry can be determined by increasing direct and indirect costs or by increasing variable costs and profit. We also examine the non-linear relation between variable costs and production on the one hand and between profit and production on the other hand. Our results show that there is a concave relationship between variable costs and production, and also a concave relationship between profit and production, which indicate that Romanian coal enterprises have an optimal production level that maximises both variable costs and their profitability. In addition, a robustness check of our results confirms that variable costs and profitability decrease as they move away from their optimal level.
机译:全球经济增长基于水和风等可再生资源和煤炭(褐煤),天然气或石油等不可再生资源的电力消耗增加。煤炭仍然是欧盟的重要能源,特别是在德国,法国和西班牙,煤炭占一次能源的15%,其中80%用于电力供应。 Oltenia地区的煤矿(褐煤)为罗马尼亚的发电做出了重要贡献。该研究旨在表明,煤炭(褐煤)采矿业的产量增加可以通过增加直接和间接成本或通过增加可变成本和利润来确定。我们还一方面检查了可变成本与生产之间的非线性关系,另一方面也考察了利润与生产之间的非线性关系。我们的结果表明,可变成本与生产之间存在凹关系,利润与生产之间存在凹关系,这表明罗马尼亚煤炭企业具有最佳生产水平,可以使可变成本及其获利最大化。此外,我们对结果进行的稳健性检查确认,可变成本和盈利能力会随着它们偏离最佳水平而下降。



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