首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Seasonal and temperature-related movement of Colorado River cutthroat trout in a low-elevation, Rocky Mountain stream

Seasonal and temperature-related movement of Colorado River cutthroat trout in a low-elevation, Rocky Mountain stream




Abstract Mobile species will migrate considerable distances to find habitats suitable for meeting life history requirements, and stream-dwelling salmonids are no exception. In April?¢????October 2014, we used radio-telemetry to examine habitat use and movement of 36 Colorado River cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus (CRCT) in a 14.9-km fragment of Milk Creek, a relatively low-elevation stream in the Rocky Mountains (Colorado). We also used a network of data loggers to track stream temperature across time and space. Our objectives were to (1) characterize distribution and movement of CRCT, (2) evaluate seasonal differences in distribution and movement of CRCT, and (3) explore the relationship between stream temperature and distribution and movement of CRCT. During the course of our study, median range of CRCT was 4.81 km (range = 0.14?¢????10.94) and median total movement was 5.94 km (range = 0.14?¢????26.02). Median location of CRCT was significantly further upstream in summer than in spring, whereas range and movement of CRCT were greater in spring than in summer. Twenty-six of the 27 CRCT tracked through mid-June displayed a potamodromous (freshwater migratory) life history, migrating 1.8?¢????8.0 km upstream during the spring spawning season. Four of the seven CRCT tracked through July migrated >1.4 km in summer. CRCT selected relatively cool reaches during summer months, and early-summer movement was positively correlated with mean stream temperature. Study fish occupied stream segments in spring and fall that were thermally unsuitable, if not lethal, to the species in summer. Although transmitter loss limited the scope of inference, our findings suggest that preferred habitat is a moving target in Milk Creek, and that CRCT move to occupy that target. Because mobile organisms move among complementary habitats and exploit seasonally-unsuitable reaches, we recommend that spatial and temporal variability be accounted for in delineations of distributional boundaries.
机译:摘要流动物种将迁移很远的距离,以找到适合生活史的栖息地,溪流鲑鱼也不例外。 2014年10月,我们使用无线电遥测技术检查了36.Colorado River尖嘴鳟鱼Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus(CRCT)在14.9 km的米尔克里克(Milk Creek)一段相对低海拔的河流中的栖息地使用和活动。在落基山脉(科罗拉多州)。我们还使用了数据记录器网络来跟踪时间和空间上的河流温度。我们的目标是(1)描述CRCT的分布和运动,(2)评估CRCT的分布和运动的季节差异,以及(3)探索溪流温度与CRCT的分布和运动之间的关系。在我们的研究过程中,CRCT的中值范围为4.81 km(范围= 0.14≤10.94),中位总运动量为5.94 km(范围= 0.14≤26.02)。夏季CRCT的中位位置明显比春季更靠上游,而CRCT的范围和移动在春季比夏季更大。截至6月中旬,在27份CRCT中,有26份显示了钾淡水(淡水迁移)的生活史,在春季产卵季节向上游迁移了1.8公里(8.0公里)。跟踪到七月份的七个CRCT中有四个在夏季迁移了> 1.4 km。 CRCT在夏季月份选择了相对凉爽的河段,并且初夏的运动与平均溪流温度呈正相关。研究鱼类在春季和秋季所占据的溪流段,这些段在热学上不适合甚至致命的夏季。尽管发射器损耗限制了推论的范围,但我们的发现表明,首选栖息地是米尔克里克的一个移动目标,而CRCT则在占领该目标。由于移动生物在互补的生境之间移动并利用季节不合适的河段,因此我们建议在划分边界时考虑空间和时间的变化。


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