首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Caribbean massive corals not recovering from repeated thermal stress events during 2005?¢????2013

Caribbean massive corals not recovering from repeated thermal stress events during 2005?¢????2013




Abstract Massive coral bleaching events associated with high sea surface temperatures are forecast to become more frequent and severe in the future due to climate change. Monitoring colony recovery from bleaching disturbances over multiyear time frames is important for improving predictions of future coral community changes. However, there are currently few multiyear studies describing long-term outcomes for coral colonies following acute bleaching events. We recorded colony pigmentation and size for bleached and unbleached groups of co-located conspecifics of three major reef-building scleractinian corals ( Orbicella franksi , Siderastrea siderea, and Stephanocoenia michelini ; n = 198 total) in Bocas del Toro, Panama, during the major 2005 bleaching event and then monitored pigmentation status and changes live tissue colony size for 8 years (2005?¢????2013). Corals that were bleached in 2005 demonstrated markedly different response trajectories compared to unbleached colony groups, with extensive live tissue loss for bleached corals of all species following bleaching, with mean live tissue losses per colony 9 months postbleaching of 26.2% (???±5.4 SE ) for O. franksi, 35.7% (???±4.7 SE ) for S. michelini , and 11.2% (???±3.9 SE ) for S. siderea . Two species, O. franksi and S. michelini , later recovered to net positive growth, which continued until a second thermal stress event in 2010. Following this event, all species again lost tissue, with previously unbleached colony species groups experiencing greater declines than conspecific sample groups, which were previously bleached, indicating a possible positive acclimative response. However, despite this beneficial effect for previously bleached corals, all groups experienced substantial net tissue loss between 2005 and 2013, indicating that many important Caribbean reef-building corals will likely suffer continued tissue loss and may be unable to maintain current benthic coverage when faced with future thermal stress forecast for the region, even with potential benefits from bleaching-related acclimation.
机译:摘要预计由于气候变化,与高海表温度相关的大规模珊瑚白化事件在未来会变得更加频繁和严重。在多年的时间范围内,监测来自漂白干扰的菌落恢复情况对于改善对未来珊瑚群落变化的预测非常重要。但是,目前很少有多年研究描述急性漂白事件后珊瑚群落的长期结果。我们记录了巴拿马Bocas del Toro期间主要的三个主要的造礁珊瑚礁珊瑚(Orbicella franksi,Siderastrea siderea和Stephanocoenia michelini;共n = 198)在同一地点的漂白和未漂白组同居同种菌落的色素沉着和大小。 2005年发生漂白事件,然后监测色素沉着状态并改变了8年的活体组织菌落大小(2005年-2013年)。与未漂白菌落组相比,2005年被漂白的珊瑚表现出明显不同的响应轨迹,漂白后所有物种的漂白珊瑚的活体组织大量丧失,漂白后每个菌落9个月的平均活组织损失为26.2%(???±5.4)对于弗兰克链球菌,米氏链球菌为35.7%(???±4.7 SE),对于侧链葡萄球菌为11.2%(???±3.9 SE)。弗兰克(O. franksi)和米开朗基尼(S. michelini)这两个物种后来恢复到净正增长,一直持续到2010年第二次热应激事件为止。此事件之后,所有物种都再次失去了组织,以前未漂白的菌落物种组经历了比同种物种更大的衰退。以前漂白过的样品组表明可能存在积极的适应性反应。然而,尽管对先前漂白的珊瑚有这种有益的作用,但所有群体在2005年至2013年之间都经历了净组织的大量损失,这表明许多重要的建造加勒比海珊瑚的珊瑚很可能会继续遭受组织损失,并且当面对这种情况时可能无法维持当前的底栖生物覆盖率。即使具有与漂白相关的适应措施带来的潜在好处,也可以对该地区未来的热应力进行预测。


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