首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences >Retrospective study on efficacy and safety of nanoparticle paclitaxel and concurrent radiotherapy in patients with advanced head and neck cancer

Retrospective study on efficacy and safety of nanoparticle paclitaxel and concurrent radiotherapy in patients with advanced head and neck cancer




Background: Advanced (Stage III and IV) Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the head and neck (SCCHN) produce severe functional impairment, considerable morbidity, and significant mortality. Over the past 2 decades, organ-sparing efforts using either induction chemotherapy or concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy (RT) have become popular and have demonstrated equivalent or superior survival rates compared with surgery and/or RT alone, with a survival rate of approximately 40% at 5 years. Although the addition of chemotherapy to RT enhances toxicity, randomized trials and meta analyses have documented improved survival clearly compared with the results from RT alone. Initially, most combinations included once-daily RT combined with cisplatin either alone or with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). There was number of toxicities of high grades associated with these drugs, and also difficulty in their administration. We have retrospectively studied nanoparticle paclitaxel with RT on concurrent setting as an alternative. Methods: We have retrospectively studied data of patients of advanced SCCHN treated with nanoparticle paclitaxel along with RT. Nanoparticle paclitaxel was administered at a dose of 80 mg/m2 over one hour infusion once weekly along with RT, 60 Gray (Gy) in 30 fractions, five days per week, over 6 weeks. Results: Total numbers of patient in this study were 28 with median age of 49 years. 78.57% of patient had stage IV disease and 21.43% stage III. Overall response rate was 68% with complete response (CR) in 29% and partial response (PR) in 39%. Conclusions: The use of nanoparticle paclitaxel along with RT is safe, feasible, efficacious and cost effective. Intensive randomized studies with large sample size are required in this direction.
机译:背景:晚期(III和IV期)头颈部鳞状细胞癌(SCCHN)会导致严重的功能障碍,相当大的发病率和显着的死亡率。在过去的20年中,采用诱导化学疗法或同时进行化学疗法和放射疗法(RT)进行器官保存的努力已变得很普遍,并且与单独的手术和/或RT相比,具有相同或更高的存活率,存活率约为40%在5年。尽管在放疗中加入化疗可增强毒性,但随机试验和荟萃分析已证明与单纯放疗结果相比,生存率明显提高。最初,大多数组合包括每天一次RT联合单独或与5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)联合顺铂。这些药物具有多种高等级的毒性,而且给药困难。我们回顾性研究了在并发设置下使用RT的纳米紫杉醇。方法:我们回顾性研究了纳米紫杉醇联合放疗治疗晚期SCCHN患者的数据。纳米紫杉醇以80 mg / m2的剂量在每周1天,每周6天,每周30天,每周30天,每30天一次的RT,60 Gray(Gy)剂量下进行一次输注。结果:本研究的患者总数为28名,中位年龄为49岁。 78.57%的患者患有IV期疾病,21.43%的患者处于III期。总体缓解率为68%,完全缓解(CR)为29%,部分缓解(PR)为39%。结论:纳米紫杉醇联合RT疗法是安全,可行,有效且具有成本效益的。在这个方向上,需要大样本量的密集随机研究。



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