首页> 外文期刊>International journal of reconfigurable computing >Cellular Automata-Based Parallel Random Number Generators Using FPGAs

Cellular Automata-Based Parallel Random Number Generators Using FPGAs




Cellular computing represents a new paradigm for implementing high-speed massively parallel machines. Cellular automata (CA), which consist of an array of locally connected processing elements, are a basic form of a cellular-based architecture. The use of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for implementing CA accelerators has shown promising results. This paper investigates the design of CA-based pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) using an FPGA platform. To improve the quality of the random numbers that are generated, the basic CA structure is enhanced in two ways. First, the addition of a superrule to each CA cell is considered. The resulting self-programmable CA (SPCA) uses the superrule to determine when to make a dynamic rule change in each CA cell. The superrule takes its inputs from neighboring cells and can be considered itself a second CA working in parallel with the main CA. When implemented on an FPGA, the use of lookup tables in each logic cell removes any restrictions on how the super-rules should be defined. Second, a hybrid configuration is formed by combining a CA with a linear feedback shift register (LFSR). This is advantageous for FPGA designs due to the compactness of the LFSR implementations. A standard software package for statistically evaluating the quality of random number sequences known as Diehardis used to validate the results. Both the SPCA and the hybrid CA/LFSR were found to pass all the Diehardtests.
机译:蜂窝计算代表了实现高速大规模并行机的新范例。蜂窝自动机(CA)由一系列本地连接的处理元素组成,是基于蜂窝的体系结构的基本形式。使用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)来实现CA加速器已显示出令人鼓舞的结果。本文研究了使用FPGA平台的基于CA的伪随机数生成器(PRNG)的设计。为了提高生成的随机数的质量,以两种方式增强了基本CA结构。首先,考虑向每个CA单元添加一个超级规则。生成的自可编程CA(SPCA)使用超级规则来确定何时在每个CA单元中进行动态规则更改。超级规则从相邻单元获取其输入,并且可以将其本身视为与主CA并行工作的第二个CA。当在FPGA上实现时,在每个逻辑单元中使用查找表消除了对如何定义超级规则的限制。其次,通过将CA与线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR)组合在一起形成混合配置。由于LFSR实现的紧凑性,这对于FPGA设计是有利的。用于统计评估随机数序列质量的标准软件包Diehardis用于验证结果。发现SPCA和混合CA / LFSR都通过了所有Diehardtests。



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