首页> 外文期刊>Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology >Prevalence and Risk Factors of Sexually Transmitted Infections and Cervical Neoplasia in Women from a Rural Area of Southern Mozambique

Prevalence and Risk Factors of Sexually Transmitted Infections and Cervical Neoplasia in Women from a Rural Area of Southern Mozambique




There is limited information on the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and the prevalence of cervical neoplasia in rural sub-Saharan Africa. This study describes the prevalence and the etiology of STIs and the prevalence of cervical neoplasia among women in southern Mozambique. An age-stratified cross-sectional study was performed where 262 women aged 14 to 61 years were recruited at the antenatal clinic (59%), the family-planning clinic (7%), and from the community (34%). At least one active STI was diagnosed in 79% of women. Trichomonas vaginalis was present in 31% of all study participants. The prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhea and Chlamydia trachomatis were 14% and 8%, respectively, and Syphilis was diagnosed in 12% of women. HPV DNA was detected in 40% of women and cervical neoplasia was diagnosed in 12% of all women. Risk factors associated with the presence of some of the STIs were being divorced or widowed, having more than one sexual partner and having the partner living in another area. A higher prevalence was observed in the reproductive age group and some of the STIs were more frequently diagnosed in pregnant women. STI control programs are a priority to reduce the STIs burden, including HIV and cervical neoplasia.
机译:在撒哈拉以南非洲农村地区,关于性传播感染的流行率和宫颈癌的流行率的信息有限。这项研究描述了莫桑比克南部妇女的性传播感染的病因和病因以及宫颈癌的发生率。进行了一项按年龄分层的横断面研究,从产前诊所(59%),计划生育诊所(7%)和社区(34%)招募了262名14至61岁的妇女。在79%的女性中至少诊断出一种活跃的性传播感染。在所有研究参与者中,有31%存在阴道毛滴虫。淋病奈瑟菌和沙眼衣原体的患病率分别为14%和8%,在12%的女性中诊断为梅毒。在40%的女性中检测到HPV DNA,在所有女性中,有12%的女性被诊断为宫颈癌。与一些性传播感染相关的危险因素正在离婚或丧偶,有一个以上的性伴侣,并且该伴侣生活在另一地区。在生殖年龄组中观察到较高的患病率,并且某些性传播感染在孕妇中被更频繁地诊断。性传播感染控制计划是减轻包括艾滋病毒和宫颈癌在内的性传播感染负担的优先事项。



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