首页> 外文期刊>International journal of agricultural research >Analysis and Development Course of the Seed Sector in Turkey in Various Aspects

Analysis and Development Course of the Seed Sector in Turkey in Various Aspects




In this study, the world's seed production and trade in Turkey with seed production , seed distribution, seed rates, seed to support, ovary foreign buying and selling are examined and the solutions for current problems are tried to be given. Seed production of products such as sugar beet, cotton, chickpea, dry bean increased except vetch in the period under review. Production of hybrid seed corn was 2.84 times, hybrid sunflower seed production was 3:35 times and production of paddy rice seed 3:33 times increased. In the period under review the amount of the distribution showed an increase in the rates of wheat seeds 52.72%, of cotton (delinte) seeds 27.79%, of hybrid sunflower seed 26.39%. Hybrid maize seed distribution increased 2.21 times, the distribution of soybean seed increased 2:08 times, the distribution of seed alfalfa increased 2.08 times, rice seed distribution increased 3:49 times. The overall distribution of the total amount of seed amount has increased by 36.97% throughout the period. Despite the increase in seed distribution, distributed seed amount was not sufficient to meet the needs of the rates. However, by production and marketing of hybrid seed corn and sunflower hybrids by private seed companies, it has reached the desired level of distribution. There have been major changes in terms of quantity of the seeds and seed products imported.Between 2002-2008, importation of field crops seeds increased 6.3 times, importation of industrial plant seeds increased with a rate 25.9%, importation of feed crops 17 times, importation of grass seed 93.7% and importation of vegetable seeds increased with a rate of 67.9%. There are also positive developments of seed export quantities and values of Turkey. Field crops seed exports increased about 3.2 times, the industry exports seed crops 2.7 times, grass exports 11.7 times and vegetable seeds exports 9.5 times increased. Despite these positive developments at export stage, Turkey's foreign trade balance of seeds, is in favor of development for import. At 2005-2008 period, wheat seed prices increased by 82.7%, barley seed prices 95.2%, corn seed prices 16.7%, sunflower seed prices 6.3%, potato seed prices 33.3%, alfalfa seed prices 29.4%, rape seed prices 87.5% and cotton seed prices increased by 40%. The manufacturers, who use certified seed should be supported to encourage using qualified seed and assistance should be increased. To increase the use of qualified seeds, barriers making it difficult to reach seed for producers must be removed and producers shall reach seed from the shortest path and the cheapest way.



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