首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review >Carotenoid Levels, Total Phenolic Content andAntioxidant Activity Variations in Varieties ofCitrullus lanatus under Storage at RoomTemperature

Carotenoid Levels, Total Phenolic Content andAntioxidant Activity Variations in Varieties ofCitrullus lanatus under Storage at RoomTemperature




Introduction: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are economically burdening and are globally projected to increase deaths upto 75% by 2030. With the cause partly attributed to unhealthy diets, the major contributing factor is production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in biochemical reactions in human cells. Through a dietary approach, this can be countered by carotenoid and phenolic antioxidants in Citrullus lanatus (watermelon). The challenge presented is on the effect of room temperature (RT) storage on the levels of β- carotene, lutein and lycopene carotenoids and phenolics in watermelon. Varieties, of watermelon grown in Mwea, Kenya are reported for their carotenoid levels; antioxidant activity (AA) and total phenolic content (TPC) within 14 days storage period at RT.Methods: The methods employed were HPLC, FCR and DPPH assay.Results: The ranges of carotenoid levels were; β-carotene; 0.13±0.03- 3.15±0.02 μg/100 g, lutein; 10357.58±62.98-30573.99±434.40 μg/100 g and lycopene 113.42±0.39-522.76±1.36 μg/100 g. The AA ranged between 3.10±0.04-41.35±0.29 and 59.12±0.15- 79.93±0.18% in fresh and dried watermelons, while the TPC ranged between 266.00±5.00-896.67±7.37 mg/100 g GAE. The effect of storage on the nutritional values was shown by a general decrease on levels of β-carotene, lycopene, AA and TPC while lutein levels increased. There were significant differences (p<0.05) in measurements of carotenoids, AA and TPC between all sample varieties.Conclusion: Storing watermelons for upto 14 days has both negative and positive implications on the carotenoid and total phenolic levels but clearly reduces the antioxidant activity and hence the effectiveness on the fight against NCDs.
机译:简介:非传染性疾病(NCD)负担沉重,全球范围内预计到2030年将使死亡人数增加75%。由于部分原因归因于不健康的饮食,主要促成因素是生化反应中活性氧和氮的产生在人类细胞中。通过饮食方法,可以用柑橘(Citrullus lanatus)(西瓜)中的类胡萝卜素和酚类抗氧化剂来对抗这种情况。所面临的挑战是室温(RT)储存对西瓜中β-胡萝卜素,叶黄素和番茄红素类胡萝卜素和酚水平的影响。据报道肯尼亚肯尼亚姆韦(Mwea)种植的西瓜品种的类胡萝卜素水平较高;方法:采用HPLC,FCR和DPPH法测定其在室温下14天的抗氧化活性(AA)和总酚含量(TPC)。 β-胡萝卜素; 0.13±0.03- 3.15±0.02μg/ 100 g,叶黄素; 10357.58±62.98-30573.99±434.40μg/ 100 g和番茄红素113.42±0.39-522.76±1.36μg/ 100 g。在新鲜和干燥西瓜中,AA的范围在3.10±0.04-41.35±0.29和59.12±0.15-79.93±0.18%之间,而TPC的范围在266.00±5.00-896.67±7.37 mg / 100 g GAE之间。 β-胡萝卜素,番茄红素,AA和TPC含量总体下降而叶黄素含量升高则表明了贮藏对营养价值的影响。所有样本品种之间的类胡萝卜素,AA和TPC的测量值均存在显着差异(p <0.05)。结论:西瓜保存长达14天对类胡萝卜素和总酚含量都有负面和正面影响,但明显降低了其抗氧化活性和因此,在打击非传染性疾病方面具有效力。



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