首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity >Criterion distances and environmental correlates of active commuting to school in children

Criterion distances and environmental correlates of active commuting to school in children




Background Active commuting to school can contribute to daily physical activity levels in children. Insight into the determinants of active commuting is needed, to promote such behavior in children living within a feasible commuting distance from school. This study determined feasible distances for walking and cycling to school (criterion distances) in 11- to 12-year-old Belgian children. For children living within these criterion distances from school, the correlation between parental perceptions of the environment, the number of motorized vehicles per family and the commuting mode (active/passive) to school was investigated. Methods Parents (n = 696) were contacted through 44 randomly selected classes of the final year (sixth grade) in elementary schools in East- and West-Flanders. Parental environmental perceptions were obtained using the parent version of Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale for Youth (NEWS-Y). Information about active commuting to school was obtained using a self-reported questionnaire for parents. Distances from the children's home to school were objectively measured with Routenet online route planner. Criterion distances were set at the distance in which at least 85% of the active commuters lived. After the determination of these criterion distances, multilevel analyses were conducted to determine correlates of active commuting to school within these distances. Results Almost sixty percent (59.3%) of the total sample commuted actively to school. Criterion distances were set at 1.5 kilometers for walking and 3.0 kilometers for cycling. In the range of 2.01 - 2.50 kilometers household distance from school, the number of passive commuters exceeded the number of active commuters. For children who were living less than 3.0 kilometers away from school, only perceived accessibility by the parents was positively associated with active commuting to school. Within the group of active commuters, a longer distance to school was associated with more cycling to school compared to walking to school. Conclusions Household distance from school is an important correlate of transport mode to school in children. Interventions to promote active commuting in 11-12 year olds should be focusing on children who are living within the criterion distance of 3.0 kilometers from school by improving the accessibility en route from children's home to school.
机译:背景主动通勤去上学可以促进儿童的日常体育锻炼。需要深入了解主动通勤的决定因素,以促进生活在离学校可行的通勤距离内的孩子的这种行为。这项研究确定了11至12岁比利时儿童步行和骑自行车上学的可行距离(标准距离)。对于生活在离学校这些标准距离之内的孩子,研究了父母对环境的看法,每个家庭的机动车辆数量以及通勤方式(主动/被动)之间的相关性。方法在东佛兰德和西佛兰德州的小学,通过随机选择的最后一年(六年级)的44个班级与家长(n = 696)联系。父母对环境的感知是使用父母邻里青少年环境步行量表(NEWS-Y)获得的。有关主动上学通勤的信息是使用针对父母的自我报告调查表获得的。使用Routenet在线路线计划器客观地测量了孩子们到学校的距离。标准距离设定为至少有85%的通勤者居住的距离。在确定了这些标准距离之后,进行了多层次分析,以确定在这些距离内主动通勤与学校的相关性。结果总样本中将近60%(59.3%)积极通勤上学。标准距离设置为步行1.5公里,骑自行车3.0公里。在距离学校2.01-2.50公里的家庭距离范围内,被动通勤者的数量超过了主动通勤者的数量。对于离学校不到3.0公里的孩子来说,只有父母能感知到的可达性与积极上下学成正比。在活跃的通勤者群体中,与步行上学相比,上学距离较长与骑自行车上学次数更多有关。结论家庭离学校距离是儿童到学校交通方式的重要关联。旨在促进11-12岁儿童积极通勤的干预措施应着重于通过改善从儿童之家到学校途中的可达性而生活在距离学校3.0公里的标准距离内的孩子。



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