首页> 外文期刊>Infant, child & adolescent nutrition. >A Case Report of the Impact of Maternal Decision to Breastfeed Her Premature Surgical Infant

A Case Report of the Impact of Maternal Decision to Breastfeed Her Premature Surgical Infant




The importance of providing human milk for the premature infant is well supported in current literature. Neonates born prematurely with congenital anomalies requiring surgery prior to initiation of oral or enteral feeds present an additional challenge to the already complex breastfeeding dyad. As human milk has been proven to be the best source of nutrition for premature infants, the goal of discharging patients home on breastmilk/breastfeeding needs to become a priority. Literature suggests the maternal decision to breastfeed is key in the initiation and duration of a mother’s milk supply. This case report reviews the outcome of maternal decision and lactation support provided to a mother of a premature infant requiring surgical intervention for esophageal atresia with tracheal esophageal fistula within the first few days of life.



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