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Occupational lifestyle diseases: An emerging issue




Lifestyle diseases characterize those diseases whose occurrence is primarily based on the daily habits of people and are a result of an inappropriate relationship of people with their environment. The main factors contributing to lifestyle diseases include bad food habits, physical inactivity, wrong body posture, and disturbed biological clock. A report, jointly prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Economic Forum, says India will incur an accumulated loss of $236.6 billion by 2015 on account of unhealthy lifestyles and faulty diet. According to the report, 60% of all deaths worldwide in 2005 (35 million) resulted from noncommunicable diseases and accounted for 44% of premature deaths. What's worse, around 80% of these deaths will occur in low and middle-income countries like India which are also crippled by an ever increasing burden of infectious diseases, poor maternal and perinatal conditions and nutritional deficiencies. According to a survey conducted by the Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ASSOC-HAM), 68% of working women in the age bracket of 21-52 years were found to be afflicted with lifestyle ailments such as obesity, depression, chronic backache, diabetes and hypertension. The study ‘Preventive Healthcare and Corporate Female Workforce’ also said that long hours and working under strict deadlines cause up to 75% of working women to suffer from depression or general anxiety disorder, compared to women with lesser levels of psychological demand at work. The study cited scientific evidence that healthy diet and adequate physical activity - at least 30 minutes of moderate activity at least five days a week - helped prevent NCDs. In India, 10% of adults suffer from hypertension while the country is home to 25-30 million diabetics. Three out of every 1,000 people suffer a stroke. The number of deaths due to heart attack is projected to increase from 1.2 million to 2 million in 2010. The diet [or lifestyle] of different populations might partly determine their rates of cancer, and the basis for this hypothesis was strengthened by results of studies showing that people who migrate from one country to another generally acquire the cancer rates of the new host country, suggesting that environmental [or lifestyle factors] rather than genetic factors are the key determinants of the international variation in cancer rates. Some of the common diseases encountered because of occupational lifestyle are Alzheimer's disease, arteriosclerosis, cancer, chronic liver disease/cirrhosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, nephritis/CRF, and stroke. Occupational lifestyle diseases include those caused by the factors present in the vicinity like heat, sound, dust, fumes, smoke, cold, and other pollutants. These factors are responsible for allergy, respiratory and hearing problems, and heat or cold shock. So, A healthy lifestyle must be adopted to combat these diseases with a proper balanced diet, physical activity and by giving due respect to biological clock. Kids spending too much time slouched in front of the TV or PCs, should be encourage to find a physical sport or activity they enjoy. Fun exercises should be encouraged into family outings. A pizza-and-video evening should be replaced for a hike and picnic. Kids who do participate in sport, especially at a high competitive level, can find the pressure to succeed very stressful. To decrease the ailments caused by occupational postures, one should avoid long sitting hours and should take frequent breaks for stretching or for other works involving physical movements.Keywords: Chronic liver diseases, hypertension, occupational health
机译:生活方式疾病的特征是那些疾病的发生主要取决于人们的日常习惯,并且是由于人们与环境之间的不适当关系造成的。导致生活方式疾病的主要因素包括不良的饮食习惯,缺乏运动,不正确的身体姿势和生物钟受干扰。由世界卫生组织(WHO)和世界经济论坛联合编写的一份报告称,由于不健康的生活方式和不良的饮食习惯,到2015年印度将蒙受2366亿美元的累计损失。根据该报告,2005年全世界所有死亡中的60%(3500万)是由非传染性疾病引起的,占过早死亡的44%。更糟糕的是,这些死亡中约有80%将发生在印度等中低收入国家,这些国家也因传染病负担越来越重,孕产妇和围产期状况恶劣以及营养不足而受到损害。根据美国工商联合会(ASSOC-HAM)进行的一项调查,发现21%至52岁年龄段的职业女性中有68%患有生活方式疾病,例如肥胖,抑郁,慢性背痛,糖尿病和高血压。这项“预防性保健和企业女性劳动力”研究还指出,长时间工作和在严格的期限内工作会使与职业心理需求较低的女性相比,有高达75%的职业女性患有抑郁症或一般性焦虑症。该研究引用了科学证据,即健康饮食和足够的体育锻炼-每周至少五天至少进行30分钟的中等运动-有助于预防NCD。在印度,有10%的成年人患有高血压,而该国有25-30百万糖尿病患者。每千人中就有三人中风。到2010年,由于心脏病发作而导致的死亡人数预计将从120万增加到200万。不同人群的饮食[或生活方式]可能部分决定了他们的癌症发病率,并且研究结果进一步巩固了这一假设的基础。表明从一个国家迁移到另一个国家的人们通常会获得新东道国的癌症发病率,这表明环境[或生活方式因素]而非遗传因素是国际癌症发病率差异的关键决定因素。由于职业生活方式而遇到的一些常见疾病是阿尔茨海默氏病,动脉硬化,癌症,慢性肝病/肝硬化,慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD),糖尿病,高血压,心脏病,肾炎/ CRF和中风。职业生活方式疾病包括由附近存在的因素引起的那些疾病,例如热,声音,灰尘,烟,烟,冷和其他污染物。这些因素导致过敏,呼吸和听力问题以及热或冷休克。因此,必须采取健康的生活方式,通过适当的均衡饮食,体育锻炼和对生物钟的尊重来对抗这些疾病。花费太多时间在电视或PC前面的孩子,应该鼓励他们找到自己喜欢的体育运动或活动。应该鼓励在家庭郊游中进行有趣的锻炼。比萨和录像带之夜应被替换为远足和野餐。确实参加运动的孩子,尤其是参加高水平竞技的孩子,会发现成功的压力非常大。为减少因职业姿势引起的疾病,应避免长时间坐着,并应经常休息以进行伸展运动或其他涉及身体运动的工作。关键词:慢性肝病,高血压,职业健康



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