首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of public health. >Breast feeding practices among health care professionals in a tertiary care hospital from South India

Breast feeding practices among health care professionals in a tertiary care hospital from South India




Personal breastfeeding experiences of health care professionals play a major role in influencing their attitudes and expertise regarding counseling and managing breastfeeding issues in patients. This study was done with an objective of studying the current breastfeeding practices among health care professionals (HP) and their spouses and the factors influencing them. All children 5 years of age, residing in hospital's residential quarters, were included. A detailed breastfeeding history demographic data were obtained following a semi-structured interview with mothers. Among 81 children included for analysis, in 73 children (90.1%), an initiation of breastfeeding was within 24 hours of birth and in 36 children (44.4%), it was within first hour of life. 43 children (58.1%) were exclusively breast fed for 6 months. Mean duration of EBF was 5.3 months and total duration of breastfeeding was 13.2 months. Gender of HP, gender of the child and socio-economic factors were not found to significantly affect breastfeeding practices among HP.
机译:医护人员的个人母乳喂养经验在影响他们在咨询和管理患者母乳喂养问题方面的态度和专业知识方面发挥着重要作用。进行这项研究的目的是研究卫生保健专业人员(HP)及其配偶之间当前的母乳喂养习惯以及影响他们的因素。包括所有居住在医院居住区的5岁以下儿童。在对母亲进行了半结构化访谈之后,获得了详细的母乳喂养史人口统计学数据。在纳入分析的81名儿童中,有73名儿童(占90.1%)在出生后24小时内开始母乳喂养,有36名儿童(占44.4%)在出生后第一小时内开始母乳喂养。 43名儿童(58.1%)仅接受母乳喂养6个月。 EBF的平均持续时间为5.3个月,母乳喂养的总持续时间为13.2个月。 HP的性别,孩子的性别和社会经济因素未发现对HP的母乳喂养习惯有重大影响。



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