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Trimetazidine in the prevention of contrast induced nephropathy following coronary angiography/angioplasty




Background: Contrast induced nephropathy (CIN) is a knowncomplication following coronary angiography and angioplasty.Rising creatinine levels after coronary procedures is strongly associatedwith poor clinical outcomes. However in clinical practicethere are situations where coronary procedures are necessary forpatients with pre-existing renal dysfunction. There are some clinicalsuggestion that trimetazidine (TMZ), an anti-ischemic drug,may prevent CIN.Methods: To evaluate the efficacy of trimetazidine in the preventionof CIN in patients with pre-existing renal dysfunction undergoingcoronary angiography/angioplasty. It was a prospectivesingle blind randomized trial where 2 groups of patients of classIII angina with serum creatinine values exceeding 1.5 mg/dl wereselected. One group (group A) was administered intravenous (IV)saline (0.9%) infusion at a rate of 1 ml/kg of body weight for 24 hstarting 12 h before the procedure while the other group (group B)received 35 mg twice daily of trimetazidine controlled release (CR)tablet by mouth for 72 h starting 48 h before the procedure inaddition to IV saline infusion like the first group. Baseline serumcreatinine was done 24 h before the procedure for enrolment.Subsequent creatinine values were obtained 1 h before, and 1, 2,and 7 days after the procedure.Results: Over a period of 12 months from April 1, 2014 till March 31,2015, 140 patients were included in this study. There were 98 malepatients. Mean age was 67 14 years. Forty eight percent haddiabetes, while 34% were hypertensive and 28% were smokers.Mean serum creatinine was 1.82 0.44 mg/dl. There were 70patients in group A, who received only saline infusion and remaining70 were in group B who had both IV saline and oral trimetazidineCR. Age, sex, risk factors, and clinical symptoms wereproperly matched in either group. In all nonionic contrast (Iodixanol)was used. One day after angiography/angioplasty there wasno significant change of serum creatinine in either group. Howeveron day 2 post-procedure serum creatinine dropped by mean 8.2%in group A and 9.5% in group B. The difference was not statisticallysignificant. After 7 days of the procedure mean drop of creatininewas 8.8% in group A and 12.6% in group B. Reduction of serumcreatinine after 7 days of angiography/angioplasty by TMZ therapywas statistically significant.Conclusions: The addition of trimetazidine to normal saline significantlydecreased the incidence of CIN in patients undergoingcoronary angiography/angioplasty. In conclusion, trimetazidinecould be considered as a potential tool for prevention of CIN inpatients with renal dysfunction.
机译:背景:造影剂诱发的肾病(CIN)是冠状动脉造影和血管成形术后的已知并发症。冠状动脉手术后肌酐水平升高与不良的临床预后密切相关。但是,在临床实践中,对于已有肾功能不全的患者,有必要进行冠状动脉手术。有一些临床建议,一种抗缺血药物曲美他嗪(TMZ)可以预防CIN。方法:评估曲美他嗪在已有肾脏功能不全的冠状动脉造影/血管成形术患者中预防CIN的疗效。这是一项前瞻性单盲随机试验,其中选择了两组血清肌酐值超过1.5 mg / dl的III类心绞痛患者。一组(A组)在手术前12小时开始以1 ml / kg体重的速率静脉内(IV)输注盐水(0.9%),持续24 h,而另一组(B组)则每天接受两次35 mg与第一个组一样,在静脉输注生理盐水之前48 h开始口服72 mg曲美他嗪控释(CR)片剂。入组手术前24小时进行血清肌酐基线测定,随后在手术前1 h,1、2和7天获得肌酐值。结果:从2014年4月1日至3月31日,历时12个月, 2015年,该研究纳入了140名患者。男病人98人。平均年龄为67 14岁。 48%的糖尿病患者,其中34%的高血压患者和28%的吸烟者。平均血清肌酐为1.82 0.44 mg / dl。 A组有70名患者,仅接受生理盐水输注,B组中其余70名同时接受了静脉注射生理盐水和曲美他嗪CR的患者。两组的年龄,性别,危险因素和临床症状均相匹配。在所有非离子对比中,均使用了碘克沙醇。血管造影/血管成形术后一天,两组的血清肌酐均无明显变化。然而,在手术后第2天,A组的血清肌酐平均下降了8.2%,B组的平均肌酐下降了9.5%。差异无统计学意义。术后7天,A组平均肌酐下降8.8%,B组平均下降12.6%。经TMZ治疗的血管造影/血管成形术7天后血清肌酐的降低具有统计学意义。冠状动脉造影/血管成形术患者的CIN水平总之,曲美他嗪可以被认为是预防CIN肾功能不全患者的一种潜在工具。



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