首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology >Behavioral surveillance survey regarding human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome among high school and junior college students

Behavioral surveillance survey regarding human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome among high school and junior college students




Background and Aims: It is necessary to know the baseline knowledge, attitude, and practices about human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome among young people and the changes in these with intervention to guide prevention efforts. Methods: A cross-sectional pre- and post-survey with health education as a method of intervention was carried out in four different randomly selected schools and junior colleges among the Class IX-XII students of both sex. Instrument developed by the World Health Organization (WHO)/UNAIDS in their best practice recommendations was used for data collection. Results: Knowledge about all correct methods was present in 61.23% of the respondents. Knowledge of at least two methods of prevention was present in 70.31% of the respondents. Misconceptions about prevention were that good diet (33.42%), avoiding mosquito bite (49.71%) and avoiding public toilets (65.14%) could help in the prevention. With intervention, there was an improvement in the knowledge. However, the proportion of students with misconceptions did not come down. Correct knowledge about two methods of prevention also did not reach the WHO recommendation of 90%. Conclusion: It is very difficult to change the attitude and practices by a single health educational intervention and an ongoing behavior change communication is recommended.
机译:背景与目的:有必要了解年轻人中有关人类免疫缺陷病毒/后天免疫缺陷综合症的基本知识,态度和做法,并通过干预来指导预防工作,以了解其变化。方法:在IX-XII男女中的四个随机选择的学校和普通学院中,采用横断面调查前后进行健康教育作为干预方法。世界卫生组织(世卫组织)/艾滋病规划署根据其最佳做法建议开发的工具被用于数据收集。结果:61.23%的受访者对所有正确的方法有所了解。 70.31%的受访者表示至少知道两种预防方法。关于预防的误解是,良好的饮食习惯(33.42%),避免被蚊子叮咬(49.71%)和避免公共厕所(65.14%)可能有助于预防。通过干预,知识有了改善。但是,有误解的学生比例并未下降。关于两种预防方法的正确知识也未达到WHO提出的90%的建议。结论:通过单一的健康教育干预措施很难改变态度和做法,建议进行持续的行为改变交流。



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