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Acute erythroid leukemia: autopsy report of a rare disease




Acute erythroid leukemia (AEL) is a rare subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), characterized by predominant erythroid proliferation. The 2008 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of AML defined two AEL subtypes: erythroleukaemia (EL), in which erythroid precursors account for 50% or more of all nucleated bone marrow cells and myeloblasts account for 20% or more of the nonerythroid cell population; and pure erythroid leukemia (PEL), in which erythroid precursors account for 80% or more of all nucleated bone marrow cells. We report the case of an elderly female patient with wasting syndrome and pancytopenia without evidence of blasts in peripheral blood. A diagnosis of PEL was established on the basis of bone marrow biopsy findings. The patient died on postadmission day 20, and an autopsy was performed. We reclassified the disease as EL on the basis of the autopsy findings, which included myeloblasts accounting for more than 20% of the nonerythroid cells in the bone marrow, as well as leukemic infiltration and myeloid metaplasia in solid organs, such as the liver, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, and abdominal lymph nodes. A rare disease, AEL accounts for less than 5% of all AMLs and is practically a diagnosis of exclusion. Autopsy reports of AEL are extremely rare in the literature. We demonstrate that in the case reported here, leukemia cells tended to infiltrate solid organs with myeloid metaplasia. Our findings also show that a larger neoplastic bone marrow sample is crucial to the correct diagnosis of EL, which is based on morphological and quantitative criteria.
机译:急性类红细胞白血病(AEL)是一种罕见的急性髓性白血病(AML)亚型,其特征是主要的类红细胞增殖。 2008年世界卫生组织(WHO)对AML的分类定义了两种AEL亚型:红白血病(EL),其中类红细胞前体占所有有核骨髓细胞的50%或更多,成纤维细胞占非类红细胞的20%或更多;纯类红细胞白血病(PEL),其中类红细胞前体占所有有核骨髓细胞的80%或更多。我们报道了一位老年女性患者,患有虚弱综合征和全血细胞减少症,而没有外周血中爆炸的迹象。 PEL的诊断是根据骨髓活检结果确定的。该患者在入院后第20天死亡,并进行了尸检。根据尸检结果,我们将该疾病重新分类为EL,包括成纤维细胞占骨髓中非红系细胞的20%以上,以及实体器官(如肝脏,脾脏)的白血病浸润和髓系化生,肾脏,肾上腺和腹部淋巴结。 AEL是一种罕见疾病,占所有AML的不到5%,实际上是一种排除诊断。 AEL的尸检报告在文献中极为罕见。我们证明在此报道的病例中,白血病细胞倾向于浸润具有髓样化生的实体器官。我们的发现还表明,较大的赘生性骨髓样本对于根据形态和定量标准正确诊断EL至关重要。



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