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Autopsy in the elderly




Medicine in general, and geriatrics in particular, owe much to the knowledge derived from autopsies. Giovanni Battista Morgagni, the Italian scientist and father of pathological anatomy (1682–1771), in his book On the Locations and Causes of Diseases, describes 50 years of research on 500 autopsies, studying the correlation between clinical symptoms and autopsy findings. It was the final elimination of humoral theory as the sole and final cause of all diseases. This book—a real watershed in the history of medicine—addresses many of the conditions of aging, and was published when the author was already 79 years old. At the same time, Johann Bernard von Fischer (1685–1772) wrote the first book on the elderly, and broke with medieval tradition by addressing modernity. In his work De Senio Eiusque Gradibus et Morbis (The Old Age, its Stages, and its Diseases), published in Germany in 1754, the author vigorously attacks the pessimism in the medical environment on the care of the elderly. In the first part of his book, von Fischer devotes himself to the study of the anatomy and physiology of the elderly, seeking to separate normal aging and disease. He lists characteristics of aging: dilation of the heart and aorta, calcification of small vessels, cerebral thinning, cartilage thickening, and bone degeneration. He also describes the characteristics of breathing, pulse, sleep, nutrition, and excretion. The second part of the book is dedicated to diseases and their treatment, and the third part defines hygiene rules that should be followed by the elderly. 1 The number of autopsies markedly decreased with the advent of new diagnostic methods and equipment to such an extent that the post-mortem examination is now performed with the aid of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, termed “non-invasive autopsy. “Are autopsies a necessary resource in the diagnosis of the afflictions of the elderly today? In 2016, Euler et al. 2 published an interesting paper analyzing the diagnosis of 73 patients with a mean age of 53.2 years who were admitted to emergency trauma and did not survive the first 48 hours. Under these conditions, he compared the diagnoses obtained by the analysis of multi-slice tomography with those obtained by autopsy. Failed diagnoses and missed potentially fatal diagnoses were analyzed. It is evident that examinations missed at least 25% of all diagnoses and 4.1% of life-threatening diagnoses. It concludes that autopsy could be necessary to determine potentially missed diagnoses and for quality control. Another field in which autopsies can bring benefits in comparison to non-invasive diagnostic methods is the possibility of obtaining biological samples that contribute to the ongoing development of medical studies. A notable example is that of the brain bank developed by the USP School of Medicine, which has allowed essential studies in the area of brain aging and conditions, such as dementia or Parkinson disease. 3 Therefore, it is clear that in addition to cases of legal medical necessity, the autopsy can still be performed as a diagnostic tool in elderly victims of trauma, and in the advancement of academic studies.
机译:一般的医学,尤其是老年医学,很大程度上要归功于尸检的知识。意大利科学家,病理解剖学之父(1682-1177)的乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·莫尔加尼(Giovanni Battista Morgagni)在他的《疾病的位置和原因》一书中描述了500例尸体解剖研究50年,研究了临床症状与尸体解剖结果之间的相关性。这是体液理论作为所有疾病的唯一也是最终原因的最终消除。这本书是医学史上真正的分水岭,它解决了许多衰老问题,并在作者已经79岁时出版。同时,约翰·伯纳德·冯·菲舍尔(Johann Bernard von Fischer,1685–1772年)写了第一本关于老年人的书,并通过强调现代性而打破了中世纪的传统。 1754年在德国出版的《老年,阶段和疾病》中的作者De Senio Eiusque Gradibus et Morbis大力抨击了医疗环境中对老年人的悲观情绪。冯·菲舍尔(von Fischer)在他的书的第一部分中致力于研究老年人的解剖和生理学,力求将正常的衰老与疾病区分开。他列出了衰老的特征:心脏和主动脉扩张,小血管钙化,脑变薄,软骨增厚和骨骼变性。他还描述了呼吸,脉搏,睡眠,营养和排泄的特征。本书的第二部分专门讨论疾病及其治疗,第三部分定义了老年人应遵循的卫生规则。 1随着新的诊断方法和设备的出现,尸体解剖的数量显着减少,以至于现在借助于计算机断层扫描和磁共振成像进行验尸检查,这被称为“非侵入性尸体解剖”。 “尸体解剖是当今诊断老年人患病的必要资源吗? 2016年,Euler等人。 2发表了一篇有趣的论文,分析了73名平均年龄为53.2岁的患者的诊断,这些患者因急诊创伤而在最初48小时内没有存活。在这种情况下,他将通过多层断层扫描分析获得的诊断与通过尸体解剖获得的诊断进行了比较。分析失败的诊断和错过的潜在致命诊断。显然,检查至少漏掉了所有诊断的25%和威胁生命的诊断的4.1%。结论是尸检对于确定潜在的漏诊和质量控制可能是必要的。与非侵入性诊断方法相比,尸检可以带来益处的另一个领域是获得有助于医学研究持续发展的生物样品的可能性。 USP医学院开发的脑库就是一个著名的例子,该库已经在脑衰老和诸如痴呆或帕金森病等疾病领域进行了必要的研究。 3因此,很明显,除了法律上有必要的情况外,尸检仍可以作为老年创伤受害者以及学术研究的诊断工具。



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