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Isolated fetal lymphatic malformation of the thigh: prenatal diagnosis and follow-up




Fetal lymphatic malformation can be found in different parts of the fetal body. It occurs most frequently in the nuchal and axillary region and less frequently in the abdomen or inguinal areas. Lymphatic malformation has been associated with fetal aneuploidy, hydrops fetalis, structural malformations, and intrauterine fetal death. A 31-year-old gravida 3, para 2 woman was admitted to our hospital at 22 weeks of gestation (confirmed by ultrasonographic examination). The fetus was alive, and had a mass derived from the left inguinal region extending to the anterior left leg with fluid-filled cavities about 3–5 cm in size. There was no evidence of intra-abdominal extension of the mass. Amniocentesis was performed. Fetal magnetic resonance imaging revealed a left inguinal cystic mass, which extended to the left thigh. Antenatal follow-up was uneventful. The mother gave birth at term with a cesarean section. Postnatal clinical examination and imaging examination confirmed the diagnosis of lymphatic malformation. Fetal lymphatic malformation carries a high risk of aneuploidy and fetal malformations. Patients diagnosed with lymphatic malformation in antenatal follow-up should be assessed in terms of coexistent anomalies. Fetal karyotyping should be done and the fetus should be monitored for fetal hydrops.
机译:胎儿淋巴畸形可在胎儿身体的不同部位发现。它最常发生在颈部和腋窝区域,而很少发生在腹部或腹股沟区域。淋巴畸形与胎儿非整倍性,胎儿积水,结构畸形和子宫内胎儿死亡有关。一名孕妇在怀孕22周时(通过超声检查确认)入院了一名31岁的gravida 3,第2段女性。胎儿还活着,并有一个来自左腹股沟区的肿块,延伸到左前腿,并充满了约3–5 cm大小的充满液体的空腔。没有证据表明腹腔内肿块。进行羊膜穿刺术。胎儿磁共振成像显示左侧腹股沟囊性肿块,延伸至左侧大腿。产前随访顺利。母亲足月剖腹产。产后临床检查和影像学检查证实了淋巴畸形的诊断。胎儿淋巴畸形携带非整倍性和胎儿畸形的高风险。在产前随访中被诊断为淋巴畸形的患者应根据并存的异常情况进行评估。应当进行胎儿核型分析,并应监测胎儿的水肿。



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