首页> 外文期刊>Australasian Medical Journal >Analysis of the distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida albicans and non-albicans Candida isolated from human blood culture

Analysis of the distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida albicans and non-albicans Candida isolated from human blood culture




Background Candidaemia is a growing concern worldwide, and its species distribution has shifted toward non-albicans Candida in recent decades, especially in patients with malignancy. The population continues to age worldwide, especially in developing countries and among groups with high socioeconomic status. Aims This study aimed to analyse the Candida species and associated antifungal susceptibility in one region of Korea. Methods From December 2014 to June 2018, 126 specimens of Candida species from blood cultures were analysed using various methods. We used VITEK 2 to perform the blood culture and the R statistical program for analysis. In addition, an antifungal susceptibility test was performed. Results C. albicans was detected in 51 (40.5 per cent), C. glabrata and C. tropicalis in 24 (19.0 per cent), and C. parapsilosis in 16 (12.7 per cent) specimens. The mean age of patients with C. albicans was 63.8 years and that of patients with non-albicans Candida was 65.6 years. We performed an antifungal susceptibility test using six agents, and eight (6.3 per cent) specimens exhibited antifungal resistance. The data showed that C. albicans was the most commonly detected species. Moreover, a large proportion of the elderly subjects were infected with C. albicans, and the rate of antifungal agent resistance was as high as 6.3 per cent. Conclusion Our study indicates that C. albicans was the most commonly detected species and the infection rate was high among elderly patients. Therefore, clinics should remain vigilant, and preparedness levels must be increased in regions with a high percentage of elderly people.
机译:背景技术念珠菌血症在世界范围内日益引起关注,近几十年来,其物种分布已向非白色念珠菌转移,特别是在恶性肿瘤患者中。世界范围内的人口继续老龄化,尤其是在发展中国家以及社会经济地位较高的群体之中。目的本研究旨在分析韩国一个地区的念珠菌种类及其相关的抗真菌药性。方法2014年12月至2018年6月,采用多种方法对126份血培养念珠菌进行了分析。我们使用VITEK 2进行血液培养,并使用R统计程序进行分析。另外,进行了抗真菌药敏试验。结果在51个样本中检出白色念珠菌(占40.5%),在24个样本中检出了光滑念珠菌和热带念珠菌(占19.0%),在16个样本中检出了副寄生念珠菌(占12.7%)。白色念珠菌患者的平均年龄为63.8岁,非白色念珠菌患者的平均年龄为65.6岁。我们使用六种药物进行了抗真菌药敏试验,并且八个(6.3%)标本显示出抗真菌药耐药性。数据显示白色念珠菌是最常见的物种。此外,很大一部分老年人被白色念珠菌感染,抗真菌剂耐药率高达6.3%。结论我们的研究表明,白色念珠菌是最常见的物种,老年患者的感染率很高。因此,诊所应保持警惕,在老年人比例较高的地区,必须提高备灾水平。



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