首页> 外文期刊>Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research >Attitude of population towards mandatory testing as a preventive measure to control HIV/AIDS: pilot study

Attitude of population towards mandatory testing as a preventive measure to control HIV/AIDS: pilot study




The objective of questionnaire based survey was to assess the current level of knowledge and awareness regarding HIV/AIDS and the willingness for mandatory testing among population between younger age groups. A 17- item questionnaire form was developed and validated by institutional research committee. Data were collected from total 771 volunteers, of different gender, age groups, educational levels and marital status and analyzed statistically. 20-30 year age groups have more percentage of knowledge about transmission of AIDS through various modes as compared to 31-45 year age group. 85.3% female were aware about transmission through an infected mother to fetus as compared to 2.3% male. More than 98% of medical and paramedical students and 75% overall population knew about high risk areas like prostitutes, more than one infected partner and unsafe sexual contact. 99% awareness related to self-protection by use of condoms, being faithful to partner and do not visit prostitute were found in overall population. Higher percentage of awareness and knowledge were found about modes of transmission, high risk factors, self protection and diagnostic test in paramedical and medical students. Despite of not knowing the HIV status, 85-88% population willingly agreed to undergo test in future. 54% male and 59% of female were willing to make the test mandatory. This finding definitely seems that education is the only sole criteria to fight this pandemic and despite education, thinking towards some legal intervention definitely will work
机译:基于问卷的调查的目的是评估当前有关艾滋病毒/艾滋病的知识和意识水平,以及在年轻年龄段之间的人群中进行强制检测的意愿。一项由机构研究委员会开发并验证的17项问卷调查表。收集了来自不同性别,年龄组,受教育程度和婚姻状况的771名志愿者的数据,并进行了统计分析。与31-45岁年龄组相比,20-30岁年龄组对通过各种方式传播艾滋病的知识了解程度更高。 85.3%的女性知道通过受感染的母亲传播给胎儿,而男性为2.3%。超过98%的医学和辅助医学学生和75%的总人口知道妓女,不止一个受感染的伴侣和不安全的性接触等高风险领域。在总人口中,有99%的人意识到使用安全套进行自我保护,忠实于伴侣并且不去妓女。在辅助医学和医学专业的学生中,人们对传播方式,高风险因素,自我保护和诊断测试的认识和知识的百分比更高。尽管不知道艾滋病毒感染状况,但仍有85-88%的人口愿意在将来接受测试。 54%的男性和59%的女性愿意强制执行该测试。这一发现显然似乎是教育是与这一流行病作斗争的唯一标准,尽管进行了教育,但对某些法律干预进行思考肯定会奏效。



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