首页> 外文期刊>Advancements in Life Sciences >DNA extraction and quantification from human saliva deposited on fruits with human bite

DNA extraction and quantification from human saliva deposited on fruits with human bite




Background: Among important aspects of forensic science there stand recovery,preservation and analysis of stains originated by body fluid. DNA Isolated from evidencestains help to exclude an innocent suspect or to identify a perpetrator upon PCR-based typing.This study reports extraction and quantification of DNA from human saliva deposited onfruits. The research work was conducted at Department of Forensic Sciences, University ofHealth Sciences, Lahore and WTO laboratory of University of Veterinary and AnimalSciences, Lahore.Methodology: DNA from saliva deposited on bitten fruits. DNA from 55 samples wereextracted by Chelax method, Quantifiler? DNA Quantification Kit was used forquantification of the extracted samples and amplification of DNA was done in 7500 Real-Time PCR systems (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Total 55 samples includingcontrols (positive and negative controls) were collected from bitten fruits by sterile swabs.Results: All sample swabs with human saliva showed result for quantification. Overall goodyield of DNA quantification obtained from all fruits and no sample showed internalinhibition. No sample showed non informative or incomplete quantification which occurs dueto LCN (Low copy number) or lesser quantity of DNA extracted from saliva swab.Conclusion: This study has provided with optimized protocol to isolate DNA from salivafound in very minute quantity on organic surfaces like fruits. Adaptation of this method canplay a vital role in establishing new trends in human forensics practiced in Pakistan.Moreover, for future work in human forensics, this study can provide important practicalbasis.
机译:背景:法医科学的重要方面包括对体液所致污渍的恢复,保存和分析。从证据污点中分离出的DNA有助于排除无辜的嫌疑人,或在基于PCR的分型中鉴定出犯罪者。这项研究报告了从人类唾液沉积在水果上提取和定量DNA的方法。研究工作在拉合尔健康科学大学法医学系和拉合尔兽医与动物科学大学的WTO实验室进行。方法:从唾液中提取的DNA沉积在被咬水果上。通过Chelax法,Quantifiler?法从55个样品中提取DNA。使用DNA定量试剂盒对提取的样品进行定量,并在7500 Real-Time PCR系统(Applied Biosystems,Foster City,CA)中进行DNA扩增。通过无菌拭子从咬伤的水果中收集了包括对照(阳性和阴性对照)在内的总共55个样品。结果:所有带有人类唾液的样品拭子均显示了定量结果。从所有果实中获得的DNA定量的总体丰产,没有样品显示出内部抑制。没有样品显示出由于LCN(低拷贝数)或从唾液拭子中提取的DNA量少而导致的定量信息不全或不完全。结论:这项研究提供了优化的方案,可从唾液中分离出微量的如水果等有机表面上的DNA。 。这种方法的改编对于建立巴基斯坦实践中的人类取证新趋势起着至关重要的作用。此外,对于今后人类取证的工作,本研究可以提供重要的实践基础。



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