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PA01.75. Hidden beauty concepts in ayurveda w.r.t agada tantra

机译:PA01.75。 Ayurveda w.r.t agada tantra中的隐藏美感



Purpose: Beauty is not in the face; Beauty is a light in the heart. In our Ayurveda it is stated that Physical, Mental and Spiritual beauty as a combined unit projects the cosmetic sense of Ayurveda (Ch.Su 1/41). According to Ayurveda healthy skin is the result of overall condition of individuals and prescribes numerous skin care treatments that need to be pursued at every stage of life.Ayurveda determines beauty by Prakruti(body constitution), Sara (structural predominance), Samhanana (compactness of body), Twak (skin complexion), Pramana (measurement) and Dirghayu lakshana (symptom of long life). Ayurveda cosmetology started with garbhini paricharya, Dinacharya, Ratricharya and Ritucharya with practice of medicinal herbs and minerals. In day-to-day life, knowingly or unknowingly we exposing lots of chemicals /toxins to our body, those spoiling our natural beauty silently, this same concept is explained in Agada tantra under concept of Dhooshivisha (Su.Ka 2/33) and Garaviasha. Method: 1.Literature review of concept related to cosmetology in relation to Agada Tantra.2. Analysis and Interpretation of mode of action of Agada yoga's in relieving the symptoms of Twak vikaras. Result: 1. Specific Agada yogas like Bilwadi Agada , Dhooshivishari Agada, Moorvadi choorna, Paarantyadi Keram shows best preventive and curative action in twak vikaras.2. Some of the Agadas like Moorvadi choona (A.hrudaya) lepas have enhansess the internal and external beauty. Conclusion: Agada tantra is not only a branch of Ayurveda it deals with management of acute and chronic diseases but also a added benefit of being used for cosmetology.
机译:目的:美丽不容颜;美丽是内心的光芒。在我们的阿育吠陀中,身体,精神和精神的美作为一个整体,说明了阿育吠陀的美容感(Ch.Su 1/41)。据阿育吠陀说,健康的皮肤是个人整体状况的结果,并规定了在生活的各个阶段都需要进行的多种皮肤护理治疗。阿育吠陀通过Prakruti(身体成分),Sara(结构优势),Samhanana(紧致肌肤)来决定美丽。身体),Twak(肤色),Pramana(量度)和Dirghayu lakshana(长寿症状)。阿育吠陀的美容始于garbhini paricharya,Dinacharya,Ratricharya和Ritucharya,并开始使用草药和矿物质。在日常生活中,我们有意或无意地将大量化学物质/毒素暴露于我们的身体,那些化学物质/毒素无声地破坏了我们的自然美,在Agada密宗中,Dhooshivisha(Su.Ka 2/33)和Garaviasha。方法:1.文学评论有关Agada密宗的美容概念。阿加达瑜伽缓解Twak vikaras症状的作用方式的分析和解释。结果:1.诸如Bilwadi Agada,Dhooshivishari Agada,Moorvadi choorna,Paarantyadi Keram之类的特定Agada瑜伽在twak vikaras中显示出最佳的预防和治疗作用。像Moorvadi choona(A.hrudaya)lepas这样的一些Agadas增强了内在和外在的美感。结论:Agada密宗不仅是阿育吠陀的一个分支,它涉及急性和慢性疾病的管理,而且还可以用于美容。



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