首页> 外文期刊>Anwer Khan Modern Medical College Journal >Comparative Study of Intrathecal Low Dose Bupivacaine and Fentanyl Versus Conventional Dose of Hyperbaric Bupivacaine for Cesarean Section

Comparative Study of Intrathecal Low Dose Bupivacaine and Fentanyl Versus Conventional Dose of Hyperbaric Bupivacaine for Cesarean Section




Background: Pregnancy and childbirth related complications are the leading causes of maternal mortality and morbidity in Bangladesh. An estimate shows that about 28,000 mothers die in each year in Bangladesh due to obstetric complications. The aim of this study was to find out the birth practice among rural women in Bangladesh. Material and Methods: This descriptive cross sectional study was carried out among 1220 respondents by purposive sampling technique from July 2016 to June 2017 in different Private Hospital, Dhaka. Data were collected by a structured questionnaire duly pretested through face to face interview. Data were analyzed manually and by using computer. Results: Then study revealed that majority of the respondents 80% were Muslims by religion and about 26% respondents were found within the age 25-29 years with mean age 31±7.59 years. Most of them 86% were literate and only 14% were found illiterate. Among the respondents 75% were Housewives and 11%, 9%, 1% and 4% were involved in Service, Business, Agriculture and others occupation respectively. Moreover, 78% respondents monthly income were less than TK 3000. About 43% & 16% respondents were found to have 2 & 3 children respectively. In this study, about 73% received antenatal visit and among them 57% received 1 to 3 antenatal visits and 74% received TT immunizations. It was found that 69%, 54% and 59% received antenatal advices on healthy diet, personal hygiene, drug use respectively. Home delivery and Hospital delivery practice were found among 44% & 56% respondents respectively. The reasons for home delivery like Feeling comfortable, Family decision and Financial problem were found in 60%, 26% & 42% respondents respectively. The most common complications during last delivery were obstructed labor, found among 39% respondents. Conclusion: Still now women prefer home delivery. Major reasons for home delivery were Feeling comfortable, Family decisions and Financial problems. Delivery conduction by qualified doctors were found only among 47% women. Efforts needed to increase maternal health related knowledge and awareness towards birth practice to facilitate decision in minimizing complications and mortality. Anwer Khan Modern Medical College Journal Vol. 9, No. 1: Jan 2018, P 57-62.
机译:背景:与妊娠和分娩有关的并发症是孟加拉国孕产妇死亡率和发病率的主要原因。估计显示,孟加拉国每年约有28,000名母亲因产科并发症而死亡。这项研究的目的是找出孟加拉国农村妇女的分娩方式。材料和方法:该描述性横断面研究于2016年7月至2017年6月在达卡的另一家私立医院采用有针对性的抽样技术在1220名受访者中进行。数据是通过结构化的问卷收集的,该问卷已通过面对面访谈进行了适当的预先测试。手动和使用计算机分析数据。结果:随后的研究表明,大多数受访者中有80%为宗教信仰的穆斯林,约26%的受访者年龄在25-29岁之间,平均年龄为31±7.59岁。他们中的大多数86%是识字的,只有14%被识字。在受访者中,家庭主妇占75%,服务,商业,农业和其他职业分别占11%,9%,1%和4%。此外,有78%的受访者的月收入低于3000 TK传统知识。大约43%和16%的受访者分别有2和3个孩子。在这项研究中,约73%接受了产前检查,其中57%接受了1-3次产前检查,74%接受了TT免疫接种。研究发现,分别有69%,54%和59%的人接受过有关健康饮食,个人卫生和药物使用的产前建议。分别在44%和56%的受访者中发现了送货到家和医院送货的做法。分别有60%,26%和42%的受访者发现了送货上门的原因,如“感觉舒适”,“家庭决策”和“财务问题”。在39%的受访者中,最后一次分娩时最常见的并发症是产程受阻。结论:现在,女性仍然喜欢送货上门。送货上门的主要原因是感觉舒适,家庭决策和财务问题。只有47%的女性中有合格医生进行分娩。需要作出努力,增加与产妇保健有关的知识和对分娩实践的认识,以促进作出决定以尽量减少并发症和死亡率。现代医药学院学报9,第1号:2018年1月,P 57-62。



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