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Evaluation of kefir as a potential probiotic on growth performance, serum biochemistry and immune responses in broiler chicks




Abstract This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of milk or molasses kefir as a probiotic on growth performance, carcass traits, serum biochemistry and humoral immune responses in broiler chickens. A total of 192 one-d-old as hatched broiler chicks (Ross 308) were randomly allotted to 4 treatments, each with 4 replicate pens of 12 chicks. The following treatments were applied: 1) a basal diet (C) and normal drinking water, 2) 2% milk kefir in drinking water, 3) 2% molasses kefir in drinking water, and 4) the diet C supplemented with commercial probiotic. At d 42, eight birds per treatment were killed for determination of carcass traits. Broilers at 28 days of age were bled for measuring antibody titers against Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and avian influenza virus (AIV), at 30 days of age for antibody titers against sheep red blood cell (SRBC), and at 42 days of age for biochemical analysis. Supplementing 2% milk kefir increased body weight of broilers at 28 and 42 days of age ( P ?0.05) influenced. Broilers supplemented with molasses kefir, had a significantly lower concentration of serum total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol and elevated high density lipoprotein cholesterol at 42 days of age ( P Keywords Antibiotic ; Milk kefir ; Molasses kefir ; Multi-strain probiotic ; Broilers prs.rt("abs_end"); 1. Introduction Antibiotic growth promoters have been successfully used in subtherapeutic dosage to promote growth and protect health of chickens in poultry industry since 1940 ( Landy et?al., 2011a , Landy et?al., 2011b , Landy et?al., 2012 , Fekri Yazdi et?al., 2014a , Fekri Yazdi et?al., 2014b , Nanekarani et?al., 2012 and Goodarzi et?al., 2014 ). Antibiotic growth promoters were supposed to promote muscle growth in the poultry as a result of improved gut health, resulting in better digestion of feed ( Visek, 1978 ). However, there is a fear that wider use of antibiotics as feed additives can lead to the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria, which poses a potential risk for humans if it is transferred ( Nasir and Grashorn, 2006 and Toghyani et?al., 2010 ). Thus, efforts have been made in different parts of the world to limit the use of antibiotics in livestock production. Because of the ban on the use of antibiotics, there is growing demand for natural alternative substances, which can sustain or promote growth performance and prevent disease. Consequently, probiotics and prebiotics, phytogenic and herbal products have received increased attention as possible antibiotic growth promoter substitutions ( Landy and Kavyani, 2014 , Gibson and Roberfroid, 1995 and Landy et?al., 2012 ). Probiotics have been defined as micro-organisms which favor intestinal microflora balance ( Fuller, 1989 ). Our previous study indicated that supplementing broiler reared under heat stress condition with a multi-strain probiotic (Primalac) could induce favorable influences on performance, immune responses and cecal microflora ( Landy and Kavyani, 2014 ). Kefir belongs to the probiotic group and it's a popular Middle Eastern drink. It's milk or molasses production fermented by the action of Lactobacillus ( Lactobacillus lactis , Lactobacillus helveticus , Lactobacillus casei ), Streptococcus ( S . cremoris , S . lactis ) and yeasts ( Otles and Cagindi, 2003 ). Kefir possesses proteins, polysaccharides, ethyl alcohol, lactic acid, fat, minerals and vitamins ( Magalh?es et?al., 2011 ). Cho et?al. (2013) showed that orally administration of milk kefir would improve growth performance and benefit meat quality in broiler chickens. Thoreux and Schmucker (2001) observed the beneficial influence of milk kefir on specific mucosal immune response against cholera holotoxin in rats. Furthermore, Cenesiz et?al. (2008) observed the positive effects of milk kefir on performance and serum biochemistry of broiler chicks. Despite these findings, most of researches in this field have focused on the growth promoting effects of milk kefir and less attention has been given on kefir effects on humoral immune responses of broiler chicks. Also, so far there has not been any comparison between milk and molasses kefir in broilers. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of milk and molasses kefir as a probiotic on growth performance, carcass traits, serum biochemistry and humoral immune responses in broilers and to ascertain the importance of fermentations culture on these responses. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Kefir preparation Bovine milk was purchased and heated to 80°C for 30?min in water bath, before cooling to inoculation temperature. The heat-treated milk and molasses were fermented separately by the addition of kefir grains at 20°C for 2?d. After fermentation, kefir was filtrated to remove the kefir grains. 2.2. Animals and dietary treatments Procedures performed in this trial were reviewed and approved by the Animal Care Committee of University of Isfahan. A total of 240 one-d-old Ross 308 broil
机译:摘要本实验旨在评估牛奶或糖蜜开菲尔作为益生菌对肉鸡生长性能,car体性状,血清生化和体液免疫反应的影响。将总共​​192只一岁大的孵化肉鸡小鸡(Ross 308)随机分配给4种处理,每只都用12只小鸡的4个重复笔。进行了以下处理:1)基础饮食(C)和普通饮用水,2)饮用水中2%的牛奶牛乳气酒,3)饮用水中2%的糖蜜牛乳气酒,以及4)补充有商业益生菌的饮食C。在第42天,每次处理杀死八只鸟以确定for体性状。在28日龄时对肉鸡放血以测量针对新城疫病毒(NDV)和禽流感病毒(AIV)的抗体效价,在30日龄时针对绵羊红细胞(SRBC)的抗体效价以及42天龄用于生化分析。补充2%的牛奶开菲尔会增加28和42天龄的肉鸡的体重(P <0.05)。补充糖蜜开菲尔的肉鸡在42天龄时血清总胆固醇,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的浓度显着降低(P关键词抗生素;牛奶开菲尔;糖蜜开菲尔;多菌株益生菌;肉鸡prs。 rt(“ abs_end”); 1.简介自1940年以来,抗生素生长促进剂已成功用于亚治疗剂量,以促进家禽业的生长和保护鸡的健康(Landy等人,2011a; Landy等人,2011b, Landy等,2012; Fekri Yazdi等,2014a; Fekri Yazdi等,2014b; Nanekarani等,2012; Goodarzi等,2014)。肠道健康的改善导致家禽肌肉的生长,从而改善了饲料的消化能力(Visek,1978),但是人们担心,广泛使用抗生素作为饲料添加剂会导致产生抗药性细菌,摆姿势如果将其转移给人类,则存在潜在的风险(Nasir和Grashorn,2006; Toghyani等,2010)。因此,在世界的不同地方已经作出努力,以限制在畜牧生产中使用抗生素。由于禁止使用抗生素,对天然替代物质的需求不断增长,这些替代物质可以维持或促进生长性能并预防疾病。因此,益生菌和益生元,植物性和草药产品作为可能的抗生素生长促进剂替代品受到越来越多的关注(Landy和Kavyani,2014年; Gibson和Roberfroid,1995年; Landy等,2012年)。益生菌已被定义为有利于肠道菌群平衡的微生物(Fuller,1989)。我们之前的研究表明,在热应激条件下饲养的肉鸡中添加多菌株益生菌(Primalac)可以对生产性能,免疫反应和盲肠微生物区系产生有利影响(Landy和Kavyani,2014年)。开菲尔(Kefir)属于益生菌,是一种受欢迎的中东饮品。它是通过乳杆菌(乳酸杆菌,瑞士乳杆菌,干酪乳杆菌),链球菌(S. cremoris,乳酸杆菌)和酵母菌(Otles和Cagindi,2003)的作用发酵产生的牛奶或糖蜜。牛乳气酒包含蛋白质,多糖,乙醇,乳酸,脂肪,矿物质和维生素(Magalh?es等,2011)。 Cho等人。 (2013年)表明,口服牛奶开菲尔将改善肉仔鸡的生长性能并改善肉质。 Thoreux和Schmucker(2001)观察了牛奶开菲尔对大鼠霍乱全毒素的特异性黏膜免疫反应的有益影响。此外,塞内西兹等人。 (2008年)观察到牛奶开菲尔对肉仔鸡生产性能和血清生化的积极影响。尽管有这些发现,但该领域中的大多数研究都集中在牛奶开菲尔的促生长作用上,而对开菲尔对肉鸡体液免疫反应的作用的关注较少。而且,到目前为止,肉鸡中的牛奶和糖蜜开菲尔之间没有任何比较。本研究的目的是检验牛奶和糖蜜开菲尔作为益生菌对肉鸡生长性能,car体性状,血清生化和体液免疫反应的影响,并确定发酵培养对这些反应的重要性。 2.材料和方法2.1。开菲尔制备方法购买牛乳并在水浴中加热至80°C 30分钟,然后冷却至接种温度。热处理过的牛奶和糖蜜分别通过在20°C下加入开菲尔谷物2 d进行发酵。发酵后,将开菲尔过滤以除去开菲尔谷物。 2.2。动物和饮食治疗该试验中进行的程序由伊斯法罕大学动物保护委员会审查并批准。共有240个一岁的Ross 308烤鸡



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