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Antibacterial effect of lidocaine in various clinical conditions




Background: Infection, one of the complications associated with procedures, can cause fatal outcomes for patients. Although the local anesthetic agent we use is less susceptible to infection due to its antibacterial action, we performed this study to check the change in the antibacterial effect of lidocaine in various clinical conditions. Methods: After exposing lidocaine to five contaminated environments, we checked on whether the bacteria could be cultured in blood agar plate (BAP) media. In each contaminated environment, lidocaine was exposed for 4 h (n = 9) and 8 h (n = 9), and the results were compared. Lidocaine was swabbed with chlorhexidine (group A), brought into contact with saliva (group B), skin (group C), an operating room floor and an outpatient room floor (group D), operating room air for 24 h (group A-a), and outpatient room air for 24 h (group A-b). After exposure, the culture was initiated. Results: In 2 of 9 BAP media where lidocaine was exposed to saliva (group B) for 8 h, growth of a colony was observed. In gram staining, it was found to be Streptococcus viridans . No bacteria were found in any other groups. Conclusions: Though lidocaine has strong antibacterial activity, it has been found that long-term exposure to a contaminated environment reduces its antibacterial activity and that drug contamination can be heavily affected not only by environmental but also human effects. Therefore, the use of aseptic drugs is necessary, and stopping the reuse of the drug is a way to prevent complications, including infection.
机译:背景:感染是与手术相关的并发症之一,可能导致患者死亡。尽管我们使用的局部麻醉剂由于其抗菌作用而较不易感染,但我们进行了这项研究以检查利多卡因在各种临床条件下的抗菌作用的变化。方法:将利多卡因暴露于五个受污染的环境后,我们检查了细菌是否可以在血琼脂平板(BAP)培养基中培养。在每个受污染的环境中,利多卡因分别暴露4小时(n = 9)和8小时(n = 9),并比较结果。利多卡因用洗必泰(A组)擦拭,与唾液(B组),皮肤(C组),手术室地板和门诊室地板(D组),手术室空气接触24小时(Aa组) ,门诊室空气持续24小时(Ab组)。暴露后,开始培养。结果:在利多卡因暴露于唾液(B组)8小时的9种BAP培养基中,有2种观察到了菌落的生长。在革兰氏染色中,发现是绿色链球菌。在其他任何群体中均未发现细菌。结论:尽管利多卡因具有很强的抗菌活性,但已发现,长期暴露于污染的环境会降低其抗菌活性,并且药物污染不仅会受到环境的影响,还会受到人为因素的严重影响。因此,必须使用无菌药物,并且停止重复使用该药物是预防包括感染在内的并发症的一种方法。



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