首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology >Bacterial Distribution and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of group B Streptococcus β hemolytic (GBS) in Vaginal Infections at Cotonou in Benin

Bacterial Distribution and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of group B Streptococcus β hemolytic (GBS) in Vaginal Infections at Cotonou in Benin




No orthodox practices disrupt the vaginal flora and expose it to pathogenic microorganisms including group B Streptococcus β hemolytic (GBS). The study aims to describe the bacterial profil and resistance of GBS to antibiotics. Retrospective study included 640 women at Cotonou suspected of vaginal infections or vaginal discharge during 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2015. Three swabs were collected and analyzed to identify the bacteria by standard biochemical reactions, diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis and identification of Trichomonas vaginalis, yeasts and leukocyte count. Antibiogram was performed according to the CA-SFM. Among 640 samples, 502 (78.4%) were positive. The most encountered microorganisms were Candida albicans (37.45%) and GBS (19.92%). GBS sensitivity ranged from 80-100% for augmentin, pefloxacin and nitrofuran. But resistance was observed to netilmicin, tetracyclin, cefoxitin, cephalotin, thiamphenicol, trimethoprim / sulfamethnoxazole between 80-100%. A high percentage of resistance is the result of uncontrolled access to antibiotics and improper antibiotic policy. Routine susceptibility testing will allow to take appropriate treatment of GBS in Benin.
机译:没有正统的习俗破坏阴道菌群并使之暴露于包括B组链球菌β溶血性(GBS)在内的病原微生物中。该研究旨在描述GBS的细菌概况和对抗生素的耐药性。回顾性研究包括2004年1月1日至2015年12月31日期间在科托努怀疑有阴道感染或白带的640名妇女。收集并分析了三支拭子,通过标准生化反应,细菌性阴道病诊断和阴道毛滴虫,酵母菌和酵母菌的鉴定来鉴定细菌。白细胞计数。根据CA-SFM进行抗菌素检测。在640个样本中,有502个(78.4%)为阳性。最常见的微生物是白色念珠菌(37.45%)和GBS(19.92%)。 GBS对增强素,培氟沙星和硝基呋喃的敏感性范围为80-100%。但是观察到耐奈替米星,四环素,头孢西丁,头孢菌素,甲砜霉素,甲氧苄氨嘧啶/磺胺甲恶唑的耐药性在80-100%之间。高比例的耐药性是由于无法控制的获取抗生素以及不正确的抗生素政策而导致的。常规药敏试验将使贝宁对GBS采取适当治疗。



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