首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition >Effects of Local Clay Pot and Freezer Preservation Methods on Beef Quality Attributes

Effects of Local Clay Pot and Freezer Preservation Methods on Beef Quality Attributes




This study was carried out to investigate the influence of local clay pot and freezer preservation on quality properties of fresh beef. 30 clay pots were moulded. 6kg of beef was purchased from Ayetoro abattoir and divided into two portions of 3kg wrapped in banana leaves and each portion constituted a treatment; T1 = Freezer, T2 = Clay pot. The clay pots were sealed containing 100g of beef each and heated on charcoal fire for 1 hour daily, while beef preserved in freezer was divided into 30 parts of 100g and frozen at -18oC. Physicochemical, microbiological and sensory properties of preserved beef were determined at 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Data collected were analysed with ANOVA at p = 0.05. Beef in T1 had higher colour score and lower (p<0.05) shear force values, while beef in T2 had higher yield and lower thermal shortening, protein, ash and TBA were higher in beef preserved with T2 while moisture and fat were higher in T1 beef. Microbial load were higher in T1 as well as colour, tenderness and texture. However, flavour, odour and acceptability were higher in T2. All properties of preserved beef with the exception of cooking loss, thermal shortening, ash, Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA), Total Coliform Count (TCC) and Total Anaerobic Count (TAC) increased as the time of preservation increased. It is suggested that local clay pot be used by those in developing countries where power supply is still epileptic especially in rural areas, and that beef may not be preserved beyond 14 days since beef properties decreased after that period in this study.
机译:这项研究旨在调查当地煲和冷冻保存对新鲜牛肉品质特性的影响。模制了30个陶罐。从Ayetoro屠场购买6kg牛肉,分成两部分,每3kg包裹在香蕉叶中,每部分组成处理。 T1 =冰柜,T2 =煲。密封陶罐,每个陶罐中含有100克牛肉,每天在木炭上加热1小时,然后将保存在冰箱中的牛肉分成30份,每100克,并在-18oC下冷冻。在0、7、14、21和28天确定腌制牛肉的理化,微生物和感官特性。收集的数据用方差分析在p = 0.05进行分析。 T1中的牛肉具有较高的颜色评分和较低的剪切力值(p <0.05),而T2中的牛肉具有较高的产量和较低的热起酥油,T2所保存的牛肉的蛋白质,灰分和TBA较高,而T1中的水分和脂肪较高牛肉。 T1的微生物负荷以及颜色,嫩度和质地均较高。但是,T2中的风味,气味和可接受性更高。腌制牛肉的所有特性,除了烹饪损失,热起酥油,灰分,硫代巴比妥酸(TBA),大肠菌群总数(TCC)和总厌氧菌数(TAC)随保存时间的增加而增加。建议在那些仍然难以控制电力供应的发展中国家(特别是在农村地区)中使用当地的煲,由于该时期之后牛肉的性能下降,牛肉可能无法保存超过14天。



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