首页> 外文期刊>American journal of public health >Impact of Arizona’s SB 1070 Immigration Law on Utilization of Health Care and Public Assistance Among Mexican-Origin Adolescent Mothers and Their Mother Figures

Impact of Arizona’s SB 1070 Immigration Law on Utilization of Health Care and Public Assistance Among Mexican-Origin Adolescent Mothers and Their Mother Figures

机译:亚利桑那州SB 1070移民法对墨西哥裔青少年母亲及其母亲的医疗保健和公共援助利用的影响



Objectives. We examined the impact of Arizona’s “Supporting Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act” (SB 1070, enacted July 29, 2010) on the utilization of preventive health care and public assistance among Mexican-origin families. Methods. Data came from 142 adolescent mothers and 137 mother figures who participated in a quasi-experimental, ongoing longitudinal study of the health and development of Mexican-origin adolescent mothers and their infants (4 waves; March 2007–December 2011). We used general estimating equations to determine whether utilization of preventive health care and public assistance differed before versus after SB 1070’s enactment. Results. Adolescents reported declines in use of public assistance and were less likely to take their baby to the doctor; compared with older adolescents, younger adolescents were less likely to use preventive health care after SB 1070. Mother figures were less likely to use public assistance after SB 1070 if they were born in the United States and if their post–SB 1070 interview was closer to the law’s enactment. Conclusions. Findings suggest that immigration policies such as SB 1070 may contribute to decreases in use of preventive health care and public assistance among high-risk populations. Psychosocial stressors adversely affect health, are socially patterned, and contribute to health disparities. 1–3 Most research on stress has focused on exposure to individual stressors, but evidence is growing that macro stressors—large-scale events such as disasters, economic recessions, military conflict, and terrorist events—can also adversely affect health. 4,5 A growing body of research has suggested that public policies that reflect macro-level exclusion can also harm the health of stigmatized populations. For example, state-level policies that discriminate against lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations have been associated with increased risk of psychiatric disorders and suicide among those populations. 6–8 Research has also suggested that policies that discriminate against immigrant groups can adversely affect their mental health. 9,10 According to social stress theory, 11 a minority group’s disadvantaged social position in dominant society exposes its members to more stressful conditions and events (e.g., discrimination, macro-level exclusion), and this resultant stress contributes to disparate health risks. Research on exposure to stressors and health has indicated that stress can affect health not only by leading to negative emotions and subsequent physiological changes, but also by changing health behaviors, including the utilization of health care. 11 Recent research on discrimination and health, for example, has documented that perceived discrimination by health care providers is associated with delays in seeking treatment, lower adherence to medical regimens, and lower rates of follow-up. 12 However, relatively little attention has been given to the impact that recent state-level immigration laws have had on the utilization of health care services among Latino populations, with the exception of a recent study that documented changes in health-seeking behaviors among Latinos in northern Arizona. 13 Research on the impact of such state-level policies on public health for Latino individuals living in the United States is particularly important given that Latinos represent a significant portion of the uninsured population and are more likely to be hospitalized for preventable causes than non-Latino Whites. 14 Furthermore, a recent study found that by reducing the number of preventable hospitalizations among Latinos to the rates of non-Latino Whites, the United States could have saved approximately $900 million. 14 Arizona Senate Bill 1070, 15 the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act, was state legislation that empowered police to detain individuals who were not able to prove their citizenship on request. Opponents of the law argued that it essentially legalized racial and ethnic profiling by law enforcement in the state of Arizona. Since the enactment of SB 1070 in Arizona, other state legislatures have passed similar policies. 16 Furthermore, the US Supreme Court upheld a key portion of the law, enabling police officers to request proof of legal immigration status of someone they suspect is undocumented. 16 Some research has suggested that although the stated intentions of policies such as SB 1070 are to increase the general feeling of safety among citizens, they actually increase fear among Latino and other minority populations because of racial profiling and harassment from authorities within their communities. 10,13,17 One recent study of Arizona’s SB 1070 documented that participants in a predominately Latino community in northern Arizona perceived that their communities were less safe, and health care and community service providers reported a drop in services immediately after the passage of SB 1070. 13 Moreover, in a separa
机译:目标。我们研究了亚利桑那州的“支持我们的执法和安全邻居法”(2010年7月29日颁布的SB 1070)对墨西哥裔家庭利用预防保健和公共援助的影响。方法。数据来自142名青春期母亲和137位母亲人物,他们参与了有关墨西哥裔少女母亲及其婴儿的健康和发育的半实验性,持续性纵向研究(4次; 2007年3月至2011年12月)。我们使用一般估计方程式来确定SB 1070颁布之前与之后,预防性医疗保健和公共援助的利用是否有所不同。结果。青少年报告说,公共援助的使用有所减少,并且不太可能带孩子去看医生;与年龄较大的青少年相比,年龄较小的青少年在SB 1070之后不太可能使用预防保健服务。如果在美国出生,并且在SB 1070之后的访谈更接近于SB 1070,则母亲在SB 1070之后不太可能使用公共援助。法律的制定。结论。调查结果表明,诸如SB 1070之类的移民政策可能有助于减少高危人群对预防保健和公共援助的使用。社会心理压力源对健康产生不利影响,具有社会特征,并加剧了健康差异。 1-3大多数关于压力的研究都集中在暴露于单个压力源上,但是越来越多的证据表明,宏观压力源(灾难,经济衰退,军事冲突和恐怖事件等大规模事件)也可能对健康产生不利影响。 4,5越来越多的研究表明,反映宏观水平排斥的公共政策也可能损害被污名化人群的健康。例如,歧视男女同性恋,双性恋和双性恋人群的州级政策与这些人群中精神疾病和自杀风险的增加相关。 6-8研究还表明,歧视移民群体的政策可能会对他们的心理健康产生不利影响。 9,10根据社会压力理论,[11]少数群体在优势社会中处于不利的社会地位,使其成员面临更大的压力条件和事件(例如,歧视,宏观层面的排斥),这种压力导致了不同的健康风险。对压力源和健康的暴露的研究表明,压力不仅会导致负面情绪和随后的生理变化,而且还会通过改变健康行为(包括利用医疗保健)来影响健康。 11例如,最近有关歧视与健康的研究表明,医疗保健提供者认为的歧视与寻求治疗的延迟,对医疗方案的依从性降低以及随访率降低有关。 12然而,除了最近的一项研究记录了拉丁美洲的拉美裔人在寻求医疗保健行为方面的变化外,很少有人关注最近的州级移民法对拉丁美洲人中的医疗保健服务的利用。亚利桑那北部。 13研究这样的州级政策对居住在美国的拉丁美洲人的公共卫生的影响尤为重要,因为拉丁美洲人占无保险人口的很大一部分,并且比非拉丁美洲人更有可能因可预防的原因而住院白人。 14此外,最近的一项研究发现,通过将拉丁裔美国人中可预防的住院次数减少到非拉丁裔白人的比率,美国可以节省大约9亿美元。 14亚利桑那州参议院1070年法案,15支持我们的执法和安全邻居法案,是一项州立法,授权警察拘留无法根据要求证明其公民身份的个人。该法律的反对者认为,该法律实质上是由亚利桑那州的执法机构将种族和族裔脸谱化合法化。自从在亚利桑那州颁布SB 1070以来,其他州的立法机关也通过了类似的政策。 16此外,美国最高法院维持了法律的关键部分,使警官可以要求证明他们怀疑没有证件的人的合法移民身份。 16一些研究表明,尽管诸如SB 1070之类的政策的既定意图是要增强公民的总体安全感,但实际上,由于种族特征和来自社区内部当局的骚扰,它们实际上增加了拉丁裔和其他少数民族的恐惧。 10、13、17最近对亚利桑那州SB 1070进行的一项研究表明,亚利桑那州北部一个以拉丁裔为主的社区的参与者认为他们的社区安全性较低,卫生保健和社区服务提供商报告说,在SB 1070通过后立即服务下降13此外,在分离



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