首页> 外文期刊>Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology >Health effects of diesel engine exhaust emissions exposure (DEEE) can mimic allergic asthma and rhinitis

Health effects of diesel engine exhaust emissions exposure (DEEE) can mimic allergic asthma and rhinitis




Patients presenting to Accident and Emergency (A&E) facilities with dyspnoea, coughing, wheezing and nasal blockage are presumed to have allergic asthma and/or rhinitis. Occupational asthma (OA), which has similar symptoms is rarely considered. Triggers of OA include exposure to diesel engine exhaust emissions exposure (DEEEE) that are carcinogenic. We report the case of a patient who presented to an A&E facility with asthma-like symptoms, was treated for allergic asthma. Frequent exacerbations were experienced. Upon investigations it was shown that were symptoms triggered by DEEE exposure. A 36-year-old female bank employee was referred for the evaluation of suspected asthma. She reported a 3-month history of symptoms suggestive of asthma and rhinitis, for which she had previously required A&E treatment. There was no history of atopy. The symptoms only occurred at work or after work. Their onset had coincided with changing offices to one located proximal to a diesel-powered electricity generator. A diagnosis of asthma had been made at the A&E facility and the appropriately used inhaled fluticasone and salbutamol provided limited relief. Skin prick testing was weakly positive for seasonal pollen and house dust mite allergens. Allergen specific IgE tests for 16 regionally relevant aeroallergens were negative. Tests to exclude connective tissue diseases were positive for the anti-Ro-52/TRIM-21 autoantibody. Baseline spirometry values were markedly reduced and bronchodilator administration showed limited reversibility, FEV1 (+?8%), PEF (+?5%). Following a 10-day discontinuation of work exposure, the symptoms abated and FEV1 and PEF increased by 10–14% from baseline. The recent onset of asthma, in a non-atopic adult, with workday related symptoms and improvement upon discontinuation of exposure were attributed to passive occupational exposure to DEEE. The diesel generator was relocated, a short course of inhaled fluticasone and oral prednisolone was prescribed and symptoms resolved. This is the first report of the health effects of DEEE mimicking asthma and rhinitis in Zimbabwe. Atypical presentations of adult onset asthma in the absence of a history of either atopy or allergen specific IgE antibody sensitization should trigger in-depth evaluation of occupational exposure in all cases including office workers. Serial monitoring of lung function values should be used for diagnostic and monitoring of the patients.
机译:假定出现急症,咳嗽,喘息和鼻塞的急症(A&E)设施患者被认为患有过敏性哮喘和/或鼻炎。具有相似症状的职业性哮喘(OA)很少被考虑。 OA的触发因素包括致癌的柴油机废气排放暴露(DEEEE)。我们报告了一名出现哮喘样症状的急症室就诊的患者,该患者接受了过敏性哮喘的治疗。经常发作。经调查,表明是由DEEE暴露触发的症状。一名36岁的女性银行职员被转诊评估可疑哮喘。她报告了3个月的哮喘和鼻炎症状病史,此前曾接受过A&E治疗。没有特应性病史。症状仅发生在工作中或下班后。他们的病发恰逢将办公室迁至柴油发电机附近。在急诊室已经诊断出哮喘,适当吸入的氟替卡松和沙丁胺醇的吸入效果有限。皮肤点刺测试对季节性花粉和屋尘螨过敏原呈弱阳性。针对16个与地区相关的空气过敏原的过敏原特异性IgE测试为阴性。排除结缔组织疾病的测试对抗Ro-52 / TRIM-21自身抗体呈阳性。基线肺活量测定值明显降低,支气管扩张药的可逆性有限,FEV1(+8%),PEF(+ 5%)。中断工作暴露10天后,症状减轻,FEV1和PEF与基线相比增加了10–14%。最近在非特应性成年人中出现哮喘,出现与工作日相关的症状,并且在中止接触后有所改善,这归因于对DEEE的被动职业接触。柴油发电机搬迁了,吸入了短时间内的氟替卡松和口服泼尼松龙的处方,症状得到缓解。这是DEEE模仿津巴布韦哮喘和鼻炎对健康的影响的第一个报告。没有特应性或过敏原特异性IgE抗体致敏史的成人发作性哮喘的非典型表现应触发对包括办公室工作人员在内的所有情况下职业暴露的深入评估。肺功能值的连续监测应用于诊断和监测患者。



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