首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics >Construction of Life Table and Some Mathematical Models for Male Population of Bangladesh

Construction of Life Table and Some Mathematical Models for Male Population of Bangladesh




The purpose of the present study is to estimate male adult mortality by Widowhood Method using the secondary data for female marital status of Bangladesh. The male life table has been constructed from the number of persons surviving at an exact age x (l_(x)) values obtained for linking male infant mortality as well as male adult mortality. Age specific death rates (ASDRs), crude death rate (CDR) and crude birth rate (CBR) for male has been estimated. Moreover, an effort has also been given concentration to fit some mathematical models to age structure, ASDRs and l_(x) values for male population. Model validation technique, cross validity prediction power (CVPP), is applied to those mathematical models to test out either they are suitable or not. It is seen that the life expectancy at birth and CDR for male in 1961 are 43.43 and 21.80 respectively. And ASDRs show traditional U shape pattern. It is found that age distribution of population follows modified negative exponential model containing three parameters. And, ASDRs and the l_(x) values follow 4~(th) degree polynomial model. Moreover, it is investigated that the stability of R~(2)~()of these models is more than 95%.
机译:本研究的目的是使用孟加拉国女性婚姻状况的辅助数据,通过寡妇方法估计成年男性死亡率。男性寿命表是根据在精确年龄x(l(x))值下存活的人数建立的,以将男性婴儿死亡率与男性成年人死亡率联系起来。估计了男性的年龄特定死亡率(ASDRs),粗死亡率(CDR)和粗出生率(CBR)。此外,还集中精力将一些数学模型拟合到男性人口的年龄结构,ASDR和l_(x)值。模型验证技术(交叉有效性预测能力(CVPP))应用于这些数学模型,以测试它们是否合适。可以看出,1961年男性的出生时预期寿命和CDR分别为43.43和21.80。 ASDR显示传统的U形图案。发现人口年龄分布遵循包含三个参数的修正负指数模型。并且,ASDR和l_(x)值遵循4〜(th)度多项式模型。此外,据研究,这些模型的R〜(2)〜()稳定性超过95%。



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