首页> 外文期刊>Advances in physiology education >Influence of caffeine ingestion on perceived mood states, concentration, and arousal levels during a 75-min university lecture

Influence of caffeine ingestion on perceived mood states, concentration, and arousal levels during a 75-min university lecture




This investigation aimed to assess the effect of a caffeine supplement on perceived mood state, concentration, and arousal during a 75-min university lecture. Methods. This randomized, blind, cross-over design investigation ran over a course of 2 consecutive weeks. During week 1, 10 third-year Human Movement and Exercise Science students were assigned to either a caffeine- or placebo-supplemented group and were subsequently required to attend a 75-min exercise rehabilitation lecture. Seven days later, students were assigned to the opposite supplementation group before attending a second follow-on lecture, equal in duration to that of week 1. At the conclusion of each lecture, students were required to complete a mood perception questionnaire to assess the perceived level of mood state, concentration, and arousal during the lecture. The results showed that after caffeine consumption, students perceived themselves to be significantly more awake, clear minded, energetic, alert, and anxious (P < 0.05). Additionally, students also felt they were better able to concentrate and had a greater level of arousal than when the placebo was consumed (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the results of this investigation show that university students report enhanced perceptual feelings of behavior and mood state when a low dose of caffeine is consumed 60 min prior to a 75-min academic lecture.
机译:这项研究旨在评估咖啡因补充剂在75分钟的大学讲座中对感知的情绪状态,注意力和唤醒的影响。方法。这项随机,盲目的交叉设计调查连续进行了2周。在第1周中,将10名人类运动和运动科学专业的三年级学生分配到补充了咖啡因或安慰剂的小组中,随后被要求参加75分钟的运动康复讲座。七天后,学生被分配到相反的补充组,然后参加第二次后续讲座,持续时间与第一周相同。在每次讲座结束时,要求学生填写情绪感知问卷以评估感知的演讲期间的情绪状态,注意力和唤醒水平。结果表明,摄入咖啡因后,学生认为自己明显更清醒,头脑清晰,精力充沛,机敏和焦虑(P <0.05)。另外,与服用安慰剂的学生相比,学生们还觉得他们更容易集中注意力并具有更高的唤醒水平(P <0.05)。总之,这项调查的结果表明,在75分钟的学术讲座之前的60分钟内,当摄入低剂量的咖啡因时,大学生报告了行为和情绪状态的知觉增强。



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