首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Business Management >Is gender diversity in ownership structure related to private Italian companies propensity to engage in earnings management practices?

Is gender diversity in ownership structure related to private Italian companies propensity to engage in earnings management practices?




The study investigates whether and how gender diversity in ownership structure (here intended as female ownership) is related to private (unlisted) Italian companies’ propensity to engage in earnings management practices, specifically in “earnings minimization” (EM) and “earnings change minimization” (ECM). Companies practice EM when they manage earnings to bring them close to zero. They practice ECM, instead, when they manage earnings to avoid large earnings changes or, in other words, to “smooth” company earnings. Companies that engage in such practices are detected by adopting the earnings distribution approach. The results of chi-square tests for equality of distributions show that the earnings frequency distributions and the earnings change frequency distributions, conditional on the portion of equity held by female owners, are significantly equal from a statistical point of view, demonstrating that gender diversity in ownership structure and private Italian companies’ propensity to engage in EM and ECM are not related. Logit analysis models confirm these findings. The main contribution this study brings to the literature consists in the fact that it is the first study that investigates the relationship between gender diversity in ownership structure and earnings management practices.
机译:这项研究调查了所有权结构中的性别多样性(此处意为女性所有权)是否以及如何与私人(未上市)意大利公司参与收益管理实践的倾向有关,特别是在“收益最小化”(EM)和“收益变动最小化”方面”(ECM)。公司在管理收益时会采用新兴市场,使收益接近零。相反,他们在管理收益以避免大的收益变化或换句话说“平滑”公司收益时会采用ECM。采取这种做法的公司将通过采用收益分配方法进行检测。卡夫平方分布均等检验的结果表明,从女性的角度来看,以女性所有者所持股权比例为基础的收入频率分布和收入变化频率分布显着相等,这说明所有权结构与意大利私人公司从事新兴市场和新兴市场资本的倾向没有关系。 Logit分析模型证实了这些发现。该研究对文献的主要贡献在于,这是第一个研究所有权结构中的性别多样性与收入管理实践之间关系的研究。



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