首页> 外文期刊>Agriculturae conspectus scientificus >Flora of the South-Western Part of the National Park a??Northern Velebita??

Flora of the South-Western Part of the National Park a??Northern Velebita??

机译:国家公园西南部植物区系?North Velebita?



This research was conducted in the South-Western part of the National park a??Northern Velebita?? and the coastal slopes along the border of the park (33.75 km2) during the vegetation season 2006. A total of 241 taxa of vascular plants (216 species and 25 subspecies) were found. The taxa belonged to 158 genera and 58 families. In the life form spectrum hemicryptophytes were dominant (46.9%). Phytogeographical analysis showed that the most plants belong to the Euroasian floristic element (46.1%), followed by Mediterranean floristic element (23.2%). Out of the total number of the identified taxa, there were 13 endangered and three endemic taxa.
机译:这项研究是在国家公园的西南部“ North Velebita”进行的。以及在2006年植被旺盛季节沿公园边界的沿海斜坡(33.75平方公里)。共发现241种维管植物(216种和25个亚种)。该分类单元属于158属58个科。在生命形式中,半隐生植物占主导地位(46.9%)。植物地理学分析表明,大多数植物属于欧洲植物区系元素(46.1%),其次是地中海植物区系元素(23.2%)。在已识别的分类单元总数中,有13个濒危物种和3个地方性分类单元。



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