首页> 外文期刊>Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences >Feedlot performance and carcass yield of Hararghe Highland ( Bos indicus ) bulls using different concentrate feeds

Feedlot performance and carcass yield of Hararghe Highland ( Bos indicus ) bulls using different concentrate feeds




A study was conducted to evaluate the feedlot performance and carcass yield of Hararghe Highland bull using different types of concentrate feeds fed grass hay as a basal diet in eastern Ethiopia. Thirty Hararghe Highland bulls were blocked by weight and randomly allocated to one of the following six treatments. T 1 = Hay ad libitum + 4kg dried cafeteria leftover; T 2 = Hay ad libitum + 4kg wheat bran; T 3 = Hay ad libitum + 4 kg d -1 maize grain; T 4 = Hay ad libitum + 4kg d -1 mix (1:1, wheat bran to maize grain, respectively); T5 = Hay ad libitum + 4kg scrambled whole groundnut; T6 = Hay ad libitum + 4kg d -1 mix (equal proportion of maize grain, wheat bran, dried cafeteria leftover and scrambled whole groundnut. Bulls were fed for 90 days and slaughtered for carcass yield studies. Bulls fed on T6 and T3 had highest (p 0.05) finished weight and ADG than did in T2, T5 and T1. Similarly, better (p 0.05) gain to feed ratio was noted on bulls fed T6 and T3 than rest of treatments. Carcass yield on slaughter weight was also improved in T6 and T3 consistent to feedlot performance traits. Bulls supplemented with T6 and T3 had highest carcass yield than T2, T5, T1 and T4. Therefore, this study suggested that Hararghe Highland bull has potent for feedlot industry using strategic supplementation.
机译:进行了一项研究,以埃塞俄比亚东部使用草干草作为基础饲料的不同类型的精饲料来评估哈拉格高地公牛的饲养场性能和car体产量。 30头哈拉格高地公牛因体重受阻,被随机分配至以下六种治疗方法之一。 T 1 =随意干草+ 4kg剩余的自助餐厅; T 2 =自由干草+ 4kg麦麸; T 3 =自由干草+ 4 kg d -1玉米粒; T 4 =自由干草+ 4kg d -1混合物(1:1,麦麸和玉米粒分别); T5 =随意干草+ 4kg炒全花生; T6 =自由采食干草+ 4kg d -1混合料(相等比例的玉米谷物,麦麸,干食堂剩菜和加扰的整个花生。将公牛饲养90天并宰杀以进行cas体产量研究。以T6和T3饲养的公牛最高(p <0.05)的最终体重和平均日增重要比T2,T5和T1的高;类似地,饲喂T6和T3的公牛的饲喂比要好于其余处理,。体的产量也要高于屠宰体重T6和T3的公牛car体产量最高,高于T2,T5,T1和T4,因此,这项研究表明哈拉格高地公牛通过战略性补充对养牛业具有强大的潜力。



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