首页> 外文期刊>Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis >Yield and quality of head lettuce after 24-epibrassinolide application under optimal and reduced irrigation

Yield and quality of head lettuce after 24-epibrassinolide application under optimal and reduced irrigation




The aim of this work was evaluation of 24-epibrassinolide influence on yield and quality of head lettuce in optimal and reduced moisture conditions and work out recommendation of 24-brassinosteroids use for lettuce in growers praxis. Field trials were carried out on land belonging to the Demonstration and Research Station of CULS in Prague – Troja in 2009 and 2011. Planting on 27. 8. 2009 and 20. 8. 2011 was done at planting space 0.25 × 0.30?m, each variant in four repetition (single plot 4,5 msup2/sup). Seedlings of head lettuce (cultivar Santoro – Rijk Zwaan) were used. Irrigation was carried out by microspraying, and was based on current values of efficient water capacity (EWC); the critical value of the EWC was 80% for optimally irrigated fields (irrigation O), and 50% for variants with reduced levels of irrigation (irrigation S). The total amount of irrigation water during vegetation were as follows: the variant with optimal levels of irrigation (O) had 131?mm in 2009 and 123?mm in 2011; the variant with reduced levels of irrigation (S): 58?mm in 2009 and 63?mm in 2011 Three variants were in both (O and S) conditions: A – no application of 24-epibrassinolide, B – 1 × 24-epibrassinolide application immediately after planting, and C – application of 24-epibrassinolide 2 x (immediately after planting and then after 14 days after 1supst/sup application). Concentration of 24-epibrassinolide was 10sup?6/sup. Following parameters of head lettuce were set after harvesting (10.–12. 10. 2009 and 14.–15. 10. 2011): weight of single heads, marketable heads, marketable yield (in pcs/ha and t/ha) and ascorbic acid and nitrate contents. Influence of 24-epibrassinolide on single lettuce head weight was not significant, decrease of head weight was evident after 24-epibrassinolide application in some variants. Significant increase of marketable heads number and their percentages were noted after 24-epibrassinolide application in optimal moisture conditions – in variant B of 12?261 heads/ha (11.1?%) and in variant C of 16?279 heads/ha (14.7?%) compared with non treated variant A. This trend was not visible in reduced moisture conditions. Increase (nonsignificant) of total marketable yield (in t/ha) was noted after 24-epibrassinolide application. No significant differences were founded among the ascorbic acid contents in each irrigation variant. A higher ascorbic acid content (by approximately 11.9?% in variant C compared with control A) is evident after application of 24-epibrassinolide in the variant with lower levels of irrigation – S. Contrarily, decrease ascorbic acid content is indicated in the optimal levels of irrigation – O (by approximately 16.8?% in variant C compared with control A). The influence of 24-epibrassinolide application on the nitrate content was not significant, but the trend of nitrates decrease in optimal irrigation conditions is evident.
机译:这项工作的目的是评估24-表油菜素内酯在最佳和降低的水分条件下对生菜产量和品质的影响,并提出了在种植者实践中使用24-油菜素类固醇用于生菜的建议。分别于2009年和2011年在位于布拉格– Troja的CULS示范研究站的土地上进行了田间试验。分别在0.25×0.30?m的种植空间上分别进行了27. 8. 2009和20. 8. 2011的种植。四个重复中的一个变体(单个图4,5 m 2 )。使用了生莴苣(圣托洛品种– Rijk Zwaan)的幼苗。通过微喷进行灌溉,并基于有效水容量(EWC)的当前值进行;对于最佳灌溉田(灌溉O),EWC的临界值为80%,对于灌溉水平降低的变量(灌溉S),EWC的临界值为50%。植被期间的灌溉水总量如下:最佳灌溉水平(O)的变量在2009年为131mm,在2011年为123mm。灌溉水位降低的变异株:2009年为58?mm,2011年为63?mm三种变异株都处于(O和S)条件:A –不施用24-表油菜素内酯,B – 1×24-表油菜素内酯种植后立即施药,以及C –施用24-表油菜素内酯2 x(种植后立即施药,然后在1 施药后14天后施药)。 24-表油菜素内酯的浓度为10 ?6 。收获后设定以下莴苣的参数(10.–12。10. 2009和14.–15。10. 2011):单头的重量,可销售的头,可销售的产量(以pc / ha和t / ha为单位)和抗坏血酸和硝酸盐含量。 24-表油菜素内酯对单生菜头重的影响不显着,在某些变体中施用24-表油菜素内酯后,头重明显下降。在最佳水分条件下施用24-表油菜素内酯后,市售头数及其百分比显着增加-B型为12-261头/公顷(11.1%),C型为16-279头/公顷(14.7%)。与未经处理的变体A相比)。这种趋势在水分减少的情况下不可见。施用24-表油菜素内酯后,总可销售产量(吨/公顷)增加(不明显)。在每种灌溉方式中抗坏血酸含量之间均未发现显着差异。在灌溉水平较低的S型小麦中施用24-表油菜素内酯后,抗坏血酸含量较高(与对照A相比,C葡萄品种约高11.9%)。相反,抗坏血酸含量降低显示在最佳水平灌溉量– O(与对照A相比,变体C降低了约16.8%)。施24-表油菜素内酯对硝酸盐含量的影响不显着,但在最佳灌溉条件下硝酸盐减少的趋势是明显的。



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