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Regulated autocrine growth of CHO cells




The goal of this work was to engineer a CHO cell line capable ofautocrine growth in a fully defined protein-free medium. Thiswas accomplished by stable integration of the genes encodinginsulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and transferrin into thegenome of a CHO-K1 cell line. Thelac operator/repressorsystem was used to regulate the expression of the IGF-I gene with thelac operator sequence being placed upstream ofthe coding sequence for IGF-I. The expression of thelacrepressor protein was driven by a modified metallothioneinpromoter allowing repressor expression to be regulated by theculture medium. The cell line calledSuper CHOr (r for regulated) was able to grow in protein-free medium in an autocrine fashion with a doubling time of 20–24 hr,either attached to microcarriers or as aggregate suspensioncultures. Upon addition of metal to the culture medium, therepressor protein was produced and bound to the operatorsequences shutting down the expression of IGF-I and arrestingthe growth of the cells. Expression of the human growth hormone(hGH) gene and production of hGH was induced by the presence ofmetal ions. It was possible to release the cells from growtharrest in the presence of metal by the addition of isopropylβ-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), which prevented bindingof the repressor to its operator sequences. The ability to growCHO cells in fully defined protein-free medium and to be able toregulate their growth rate offers a number of advantages for theuse of these cells as hosts for the production of recombinantDNA derived proteins.
机译:这项工作的目的是设计一种能够在完全不含蛋白质的培养基中自分泌生长的CHO细胞系。这是通过将胰岛素样生长因子I(IGF-I)和转铁蛋白的基因稳定整合到CHO-K1细胞系的基因组中来完成的。使用laclac操纵子/阻遏物系统调节IGF-I基因的表达,并将laclac操纵子序列置于IGF-1的编码序列的上游。阻遏蛋白的表达由修饰的金属硫蛋白启动子驱动,使得阻遏蛋白的表达受到培养基的调节。称为Super CHOr(受调控的r)的细胞系能够以自分泌方式在无蛋白培养基中生长,其倍增时间为20-24小时,既可以连接到微载体上,也可以作为聚集体悬浮培养物。在向培养基中添加金属后,产生了抑制蛋白并与操纵子序列结合,从而关闭了IGF-I的表达并阻止了细胞的生长。金属离子的存在可诱导人生长激素(hGH)基因的表达和hGH的产生。通过添加异丙基β-D-硫代半乳糖吡喃糖苷(IPTG),有可能在金属存在下将细胞从生长停滞中释放出来,这阻止了阻遏物与其操纵子序列的结合。使CHO细胞在完全限定的无蛋白培养基中生长并能够调节其生长速率的能力为将这些细胞用作生产重组DNA衍生蛋白的宿主提供了许多优势。



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