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Freedom of expression in the digital age: a historian’s perspective




This essay surveys the history of freedom of expression from classical antiquity to the present. It contends that a principled defense of free expression dates to the seventeenth century, when it was championed by the political theorist John Locke. Free expression for Locke was closely linked with religious toleration, a relationship that has led in our own day to a principled defense of pluralism as a civic ideal. For the past several hundred years, the domain within which free expression has flourished has been subject not only to spatial boundaries and temporal limits, but also to political regulation and social control. The essay concludes by underscoring the challenge to traditional conceptions of free expression that are posed today by social media platforms.
机译:本文概述了从古代到现在的言论自由历史。它主张,对言论自由的原则性捍卫可以追溯到十七世纪,当时政治理论家约翰·洛克(John Locke)倡导捍卫言论自由。洛克的自由表达与宗教宽容密切相关,这种关系在我们今天导致了原则上捍卫多元主义作为一种公民理想。在过去的数百年中,言论自由蓬勃发展的领域不仅受到空间边界和时间限制,而且还受到政治监管和社会控制。本文的结尾强调了社交媒体平台对传统的自由表达概念的挑战。



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