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Knowledge Gap: Supply Chain Students and Employers




This research aims to identify the gaps between supply chain students and employers for both the preparedness and relative importance of the critical job skills employers seek in graduating students. This research is relevant because students view college as an investment that will pay off through better job placement and higher pay upon graduation. The problem is that some employers feel students do not have the skills necessary to be successful on the job. While there has been extensive research regarding a skills gap in graduating students and common criteria employers use to rank these students, there is minimal research analyzing the gap specifically within supply chain management (SCM). ? The methodology of this study includes the analysis of existing research and original data collected from a sample of employers and students. The first step involved leveraging existing research to determine the top ten skills employers seek in recent SCM graduates. Next, an electronic survey was created that sought to identify both the feeling of preparedness and relative importance of the predetermined skills. This survey was then sent to a sample of juniors and seniors majoring in SCM and employers that hire students to fill supply chain-related roles. The results of the survey were analyzed to establish if there is a significant difference in responses between students and employers. Finally, recommendations will be given that aim to bridge the gaps. ? The overall goal of this research is to help students understand expectations of employers and how students can capitalize on ? their time in college to meet those expectations.
机译:这项研究旨在确定供应链学生和雇主之间的差距,因为雇主在毕业生中寻求关键工作技能的准备和相对重要性。这项研究是有意义的,因为学生将大学视为一项投资,可以通过更好的工作安排和毕业后的更高薪水获得回报。问题是,一些雇主认为学生没有获得成功工作所需的技能。尽管已经有广泛的研究关于应届毕业生的技能差距和雇主用来对这些学生进行排名的通用标准,但很少有研究专门针对供应链管理(SCM)中的差距进行分析。 ?这项研究的方法论包括对现有研究的分析以及从雇主和学生样本中收集的原始数据。第一步涉及利用现有研究来确定雇主在新的SCM毕业生中寻求的十大技能。接下来,创建了一个电子调查,该调查旨在识别既定准备感和预定技能的相对重要性。然后,该调查问卷发送给样本为SCM的大三和大四学生以及雇用学生担任供应链相关职位的雇主。对调查结果进行了分析,以确定学生和雇主之间的反应是否存在显着差异。最后,将提出旨在弥合差距的建议。 ?这项研究的总体目标是帮助学生了解雇主的期望以及学生如何利用?他们上大学的时间来满足那些期望。



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