首页> 外文期刊>Creative Education >Tensions Experienced by Rural Teachers in Adopting Tablet Teaching in Taiwan

Tensions Experienced by Rural Teachers in Adopting Tablet Teaching in Taiwan




This study explored teachers’ tension to the integration of tablet teaching in rural schools in Taiwan. Rural teachers adopting mobile teaching were invited to respond to survey questionnaire items designed for the study. Teachers’ technology knowledge (TK) and their tensions to integrating mobile teaching were assessed. Factor analyses were employed to elicit five constructs from the tension factors. Among these constructs, the teachers were most concerned about “policy and support”. In a comparison of teachers’ adoption of different tools (tablets vs. portable computers), teachers adopting tablets for mobile teaching had a higher level of technology knowledge (TK) than those using portable computers (p p p < 0.05).
机译:这项研究探讨了教师对台湾乡村学校的平板电脑教学融合的张力。邀请采用移动教学的农村教师回答为该研究设计的问卷调查项目。评估了教师的技术知识(TK)及其整合移动教学的压力。使用因子分析从张力因子中引出五种构建体。在这些构架中,教师最关心“政策与支持”。在比较教师采用不同工具(平板电脑与便携式计算机)的情况下,采用平板电脑进行移动教学的教师比使用便携式计算机的教师具有更高的技术知识(TK)(p p p <0.05)。



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