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Creative Arts Therapies as Temporary Home for Refugees: Insights from Literature and Practice




One of the frequently overlooked psychosocial problems of refugees is the phenomenon of homesickness. Being forced into exile and unable to return home may cause natural feelings of nostalgia but may also result in emotional, cognitive, behavioral and physical adversities. According to the literature, the creative arts therapies with their attention to preverbal language?¢????music, imagery, dance, role play, and movement?¢????are able to reach individuals through the senses and promote successive integration, which can lead to transformation and therapeutic change. These forms of therapy can be a temporary home for refugees in the acculturation process, by serving as a safe and enactive transitional space. More specifically, working with dance and movement can foster the experience of the body as a home and thus provide a safe starting place, from which to regulate arousal, increase interoception, and symbolize trauma- and resource-related processes. Hearing, playing, and singing music from the home culture may assist individuals in maintaining their cultural and personal individuality. Creating drawings, paintings, or sculpturing around the topics of houses and environments from the past can help refugees to retain their identity through art, creating safe spaces for the future helps to look ahead, retain resources, and regain control. This article provides a literature review related to home and homesickness, and the role the arts therapies can play for refugees in transition. It further reports selected interview data on adverse life events and burdens in the host country from a German study. We propose that the creative arts therapies are not only a container that offers a temporary home, but can also serve as a bridge that gently guides refugees to a stepwise integration in the host country. Several clinical and research examples are presented suggesting that the support and affirmation through the creative arts can strengthen individuals in their process of moving from an old to a new environment.
机译:经常被忽视的难民心理社会问题之一是乡愁现象。被迫流亡而无法返回家园可能会引起自然的怀旧之情,但也可能导致情绪,认知,行为和身体上的逆境。根据文献记载,创造性艺术疗法通过关注前言语言-音乐,图像,舞蹈,角色扮演和动作-能够通过感官触及个人并促进相继融合。 ,这可能会导致转化和治疗方法的改变。这些形式的治疗可以作为难民在适应过程中的临时住所,因为它是安全,活跃的过渡场所。更具体地说,与舞蹈和运动一起工作可以培养身体作为家的经验,从而提供一个安全的起点,从那里可以调节唤醒,增加互感并象征与创伤和资源有关的过程。聆听,播放和唱歌来自家庭文化的音乐可能会帮助个人保持其文化和个人个性。围绕过去的房屋和环境主题创建图纸,绘画或雕塑可以帮助难民通过艺术保留自己的身份,为未来创造安全的空间有助于展望未来,保留资源并重新获得控制权。本文提供了有关家庭和乡愁的文献综述,以及艺术疗法对转型期难民的作用。它还从德国的一项研究中报告了有关东道国不良生活事件和负担的选定访谈数据。我们建议,创意艺术疗法不仅是提供临时住所的容器,而且还可以充当桥梁,轻轻引导难民逐步融入东道国。提出了一些临床和研究实例,表明通过创意艺术的支持和肯定可以加强个人从旧环境到新环境的转变过程。



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