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Releasing the Social Imagination: Art, the Aesthetic Experience, and Citizenship in Education




This paper is about releasing the social imagination through art in education. This research examines possibilities to use the aesthetic experience as a means to awaken students’ consciousness for advancing democratic values, including multiple perspectives, freedom, and responsibility. Drawing from Maxine Greene’s (1995, 2001) philosophy of social imagination and aesthetic education, this inquiry aims to enrich discourse in the field of curriculum studies, creativity, and citizenship education. Six educators initiated a social imagination project separately. They designed, implemented, and assessed a semester-long project founded in Greene’s philosophy of social imagination. The participants challenged habitual ways of thinking about self/other, culture, and community through active engagement between art and the subject. The aesthetic encounters with art (a) fostered the participants’ wide-awakeness about the society and (b) engaged participants to imagining “things as if they could be otherwise” (Greene, 1995:p. 16). An emphasis on the aesthetic experience through art contributes to advancing democratic values in a pluralistic society.
机译:本文旨在通过教育艺术来释放社会想象力。这项研究探讨了利用审美经验来唤醒学生提高民主价值观(包括多种观点,自由和责任感)的意识的可能性。该查询借鉴了Maxine Greene(1995,2001)的社会想象力和审美教育哲学,旨在丰富课程研究,创造力和公民教育领域的论述。六位教育工作者分别发起了一项社会想象力项目。他们设计,实施和评估了以格林的社会想象力哲学为基础的一个学期的项目。参与者通过艺术与主题之间的积极参与,挑战了关于自我/他人,文化和社区的习惯性思维方式。与艺术的审美相遇(a)增强了参与者对社会的清醒意识,并且(b)促使参与者想象“事物似乎本来就不应该存在”(Greene,1995:16)。通过艺术强调审美经验有助于在多元社会中推进民主价值观。



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